ICT PSP 2011, 5th call, Pilot Type B, Objective: 2.4 eLearning Duration : 1/4/2012 – 31/3/2014 Budget: ~ 15,3 Million Euro 51 Partners from 23 countries
e-learning Futures The future is… mobile and ubiquitous and interactive and social and open, ….
Open Discovery Space for eLearning in Schools Rationale: Mainstreaming the use of LR “A good education system should provide all who want to learn with access to available resources at any time in their lives…” Illich (1971) ODS plays a key role in supporting the take-up and use of digital educational resources in schools and revolutionises communities of practice in eLearning
Motivation and Context Action 68: Member States to mainstream eLearning in national policies “The benefits of eLearning are enormous” However, “Today eLearning is not sufficiently present in Member States' education and training policies.” EU’s mandate to support Member States in their efforts to modernize education and training systems by: “enabling and inhibiting” factors, relevant experiences and barriers to adoption of eLearning across Member States
Open Discovery Space Aims To facilitate the implementation of the Action 68 of the Digital Agenda for Europe and to effectively modernize education in the EU, for all subjects and skills. ODS aims to unleash the innovation potential of Europe in the production of novel educational and training activities through efficient use of ICT combined with effective stakeholder engagement. To address the challenge of modernising school education by engaging teachers, students, parents and policymakers in a first of its kind effort to create a pan‐European e‐learning environment to promote more flexible and creative ways of learning by improving the way educational content is produced, accessed and used. 5
Open Discovery Space Vision Empower stakeholders with an integrated access to unique eLearning resources from dispersed educational repositories. Engage stakeholders in unleashing their innovation potential in the production of meaningful educational activities through the use of a socially‐empowered multilingual portal offering eLearning resources as well as services for the production of educational activities. Assess and evaluate the impact of generated innovation in the production of meaningful educational activities, which could act as a reference to be adopted by stakeholders in school education.
Collaboration with EC funded projects and initiatives
Conceptual Architecture
ODS: E-Learning for Schools Integration of e-Learning into European schools Piloting across whole Europe with involvement of 2,000 schools and 10,000 teachers Centralized and local social communities Competences and needs for teachers www.opendiscoveryspace.eu
Open Discovery Space User-Centric Scenario
Learning Design Tools
Contests for Students and Teachers
Open Discovery Space Community building Methodology for the effective introduction of innovation in schools Build a group of digitally-literate teachers - change leaders who will share leading eLearning practices Open Discovery Space Educational Design Design a number of scenarios for the practical implementation of the proposed Educational Design through the use of the Open Discovery Space Portal in real-life classrooms
Awareness and curiosity of individual teachers ODS Innovation Model Awareness and curiosity of individual teachers Try out in class; reflect in CoP Scale-up to national level; sustain usage Phase 1: Stimulating – veel input vanuit Task 1.2
Open Discovery Space Schools Community Phase A – involvement of 100 eMature schools to support the requirements elicitation process (WP2), Phase B – involvement of 500 additional schools that will be involved in the pilots, WP5 (9 months duration) and Phase C – involvement of additional 1400 schools in the framework of the large scale validation activities, WP11 (9 months duration).
Open Discovery Space Outcomes Documented guidelines for the design and implementation of effective resource-based educational activities A large community of schools communities in EU Provision of a large collection of unique resources from advanced educational repositories A socially-empowered multilingual portal which will facilitate the discovery, enable to use and provide monitored-for-impact use of digital materials
Teachers are key actors In our view, the teachers are the key actors in facilitating this change towards more Open Education in our schools and they should be encouraged and empowered to be the “agents of change”. This can be achieved by several actions: by enabling and motivating the teachers to introduce innovative learning concepts and design including the use of ICT, by offering appropriate and effective teacher training, by providing more independence and control on the educational process, e.g. over the curriculum and school management, by allowing for more social context-relevant or personalised forms of learning, and by fostering sharing and collaboration.
The teaching profession should have an appropriate input into the policy‐making process Educational policy development and mainstreaming should crucially involve contributions from a wide range of cross-sectoral stakeholders (economic, political and social) to ensure consistent alignment with other national strategic policies.
Overall Impact of Open Education to contribute to the modernization of school education, to support teachers, students and their parents in acquiring digital competences, to stimulate demand for innovative eLearning resources, to engage teachers and pupils in innovative educational practices to generate a showcase of sufficient scale across boarders, cultures and languages.