Passport to Prom All will be revealed!
How will Prom Points work Everyone will start with 20 points – (we’re giving you those free as we’re already a couple of weeks in to term!)
Target point score We want you to get to 100 points by Easter in order to get to Prom
How will you get 100 Prom points? Points awarded for Number of points awarded 1 Revision classes (weekly) 5 points 2 House matches 1 point 3 Doing a house assembly 3 points 4 Half termly 100 % attendance 5 points – taken from Sims records 5 Music concerts 6 Sports Matches 7 Drama productions 8 Duke of Edinburgh Award completion 10 points 9 House points 10 Half termly good uniform 11 Half termly regular planner in school 12 Half termly good (expected) behaviour – no sanctions 13 Other extra-curricular club / activity 14 Open evening help 15 Charity committee event 16 Prefect evening duty 17 Completion of good quality homework - not just completing it 1-3 points (awarded with the teacher’s discretion) 18 ** Any other appropriate activity as decided by a member of staff As appropriate
How will you record your Prom Points? In the immediate future it will work just like house points. If you go to revision after school, give the teacher the planner and they will stamp it or sign it. If you compete in a house match, give the planner to your tutor or PE teacher and they will stamp it, and so on. COMPLETION OF HOMEWORK IS AN EASY WAY TO COLLECT PROM POINTS!!! Completed pages of Prom points will be logged on Sims in the same way as a page of house points It will also continue to contribute to the Cup of Cups totals for each house
Can I lose Prom points? Yes you can! Sanctions, poor behaviour and other misdemeanours will count as negative points and will be removed from your overall Prom Point total. This will be done by looking at your Behaviour Record on Sims and subtracting it from your Achievements as logged on Sims and any in your planner
Negative Prom Point totals …. Points lost for Number of points lost A Learning / Behaviour detention 2 points B School detention 3 points C Head’s detention 5 points D Social Exclusion E Fixed term exclusion 5 points per day F Failing to complete homework on a regular basis (3 occasions) G Regular poor behaviour in class (3 occasions) H Regularly wearing the incorrect uniform (warned on 3 occasions) I Regular lateness ( on 3 occasions) J Rudeness / defiance / not following basic school expectations
Half termly checks In order to see how you are progressing we will print behaviour and rewards sheets every half term to allow your tutors to show you how you are doing House Leaders and SLT reserve the right to round up or veto points as is required
Points make prizes For the highest scoring male and female student in each House in Year 11, the House Leaders will pay for their prom ticket!