STARBUCKS LINCOLN ROAD 33139 “The Beachcomber is the voice of the Miami Beach Senior High Community. . . 2000 strong”. The Student Newspaper of Miami Beach Senior High for 82 Years STARBUCKS LINCOLN ROAD 33139 [ The Client ] MARKETING OBJECTIVES Sell More Food Items Get More Afternoon Business Sell More Gift Items and Gift Cards Increase Weekday Traffic
The Beachcomber MISSION STATEMENT “The Beachcomber is the voice of the Miami Beach Senior High Community. . . 2000 strong”. The Student Newspaper of Miami Beach Senior High for 82 Years The Beachcomber MISSION STATEMENT The Beachcomber is the student newspaper of Miami Beach Senior High, dedicated to informing the student body, faculty and the Miami Beach community. The Beachcomber upholds the highest journalistic, academic, and community standards.
QUALITY, EDITORIAL & DESIGN “The Beachcomber is the voice of the Miami Beach Senior High Community. . . 2000 strong”. The Student Newspaper of Miami Beach Senior High for 82 Years TWO OR THREE SAMPLE EDITORIAL PAGES WITH ADS QUALITY, EDITORIAL & DESIGN
ALL ABOUT STARBUCKS LINCOLN ROAD [ The Client ] “The Beachcomber is the voice of the Miami Beach Senior High Community. . . 2000 strong”. The Student Newspaper of Miami Beach Senior High for 82 Years ALL ABOUT STARBUCKS LINCOLN ROAD [ The Client ] (Put in answers to these and any other information you can gather) How long in business? [5 years] How long have present managers been on Miami Beach? [2 years] Type of product and specialty of the business? [coffee & food] Average price for product items sold? [$3.65] Special services offered? [Custom coffees, by the gallon, gifts] Where are they located in relation to the school? [Lincoln Road (3 stores)] Special features of the business? ● Cold beverages ● Special Orders ● Love of coffee ● Sold in other stores
INTRODUCING… The Beachcomber Reader “The Beachcomber is the voice of the Miami Beach Senior High Community. . . 2000 strong”. The Student Newspaper of Miami Beach Senior High for 82 Years INTRODUCING… The Beachcomber Reader 1. The Beachcomber is the student run newspaper for Miami Beach Senior High’s 2,000 students and faculty. 2. The Beachcomber is published 4-8 times a school year and distributed to all students, other local schools and businesses (5,000 copies per issue). 3. Editorial includes: news, features, opinion, art and entertainment, and sports. 4. Students pass along The Beachcomber to parents, teachers and peers. 5. Students stay in one school for 4 years. . .4 years of customers living in your marketing area.
“The Beachcomber is the voice of the Miami Beach Senior High Community “The Beachcomber is the voice of the Miami Beach Senior High Community. . . 2000 strong”. The Student Newspaper of Miami Beach Senior High for 82 Years CONTINUED… 6. Students generally shop with friends. 7. Students are the ideal demographic: 14-18 years of age. 8. Students interact daily and pass the word on. 9. Students/readers tend to have a high disposable income, and parents are well networked into the diverse fabric of the Miami Beach Business world. 10. Available online at:
DISTANCE FROM YOU TO US A – Miami Beach Senior High “The Beachcomber is the voice of the Miami Beach Senior High Community. . . 2000 strong”. The Student Newspaper of Miami Beach Senior High for 82 Years DISTANCE FROM YOU TO US A – Miami Beach Senior High B – Starbucks Lincoln Road 3 Minute Drive* About 15 Minute Walk Less Than One Mile Away [??%] of Miami Beach Senior High students that drive daily or car pool.
WHERE MIAMI BEACH SENIOR HIGH STUDENTS LIVE: “The Beachcomber is the voice of the Miami Beach Senior High Community. . . 2000 strong”. The Student Newspaper of Miami Beach Senior High for 82 Years WHERE MIAMI BEACH SENIOR HIGH STUDENTS LIVE:
25% OF MIAMI BEACH SENIOR HIGH STUDENTS LIVE WITHIN ZIP CODE 33140 “The Beachcomber is the voice of the Miami Beach Senior High Community. . . 2000 strong”. The Student Newspaper of Miami Beach Senior High for 82 Years 25% OF MIAMI BEACH SENIOR HIGH STUDENTS LIVE WITHIN ZIP CODE 33140 3- minute drive to 33139 (Lincoln Road)
75% LIVE WITHIN ZIP CODE 33139, 33140 or 33141 “The Beachcomber is the voice of the Miami Beach Senior High Community. . . 2000 strong”. The Student Newspaper of Miami Beach Senior High for 82 Years 75% LIVE WITHIN ZIP CODE 33139, 33140 or 33141 0-5 Minute Drive to 33139 (Lincoln Road)
“The Beachcomber is the voice of the Miami Beach Senior High Community “The Beachcomber is the voice of the Miami Beach Senior High Community. . . 2000 strong”. The Student Newspaper of Miami Beach Senior High for 82 Years SURVEY OF The Beachcomber AND THE MIAMI BEACH SENIOR HIGH STUDENT READERSHIP. In April of 2009, 32 students in the Beach High Journalism I class developed a 22 question survey of the purchasing and spending habits of the students. 526 surveys were returned, which is more than a representative sample of the 2,000-student body and 100 teachers.
“The Beachcomber is the voice of the Miami Beach Senior High Community “The Beachcomber is the voice of the Miami Beach Senior High Community. . . 2000 strong”. The Student Newspaper of Miami Beach Senior High for 82 Years SPENDING POWER: 98% spend each week on personal things. 91% spend $10.00 or more weekly. 68% spend $20.00 or more weekly. 74% learn about a business through advertising or a coupon. 49% of students generally travel as a group. (Average group size is 3 friends) 82% of students eat at restaurants at least once a week. 46% want to work out at a gym. 89% exercise 12 times a month. 81% are likely to spend at a business if their friends recommend it. 99% Purchase music 63% Purchase sports apparel 22% Purchase extreme equipment
WHAT IS MOST IMPORTANT WHEN DECIDING WHERE TO SHOP? “The Beachcomber is the voice of the Miami Beach Senior High Community. . . 2000 strong”. The Student Newspaper of Miami Beach Senior High for 82 Years WHAT IS MOST IMPORTANT WHEN DECIDING WHERE TO SHOP? Location Cost Service Atmosphere Transportation
WHAT The Beachcomber READERSHIP HAS TO SAY. “The Beachcomber is the voice of the Miami Beach Senior High Community. . . 2000 strong”. The Student Newspaper of Miami Beach Senior High for 82 Years WHAT The Beachcomber READERSHIP HAS TO SAY. What Our Readers Say: “I’m always on Lincoln Road on Friday nights. Now, if I know that there is a business catering to me, and it is right down the street, all I have to do is walk a few blocks and I have so much to find, -- I would go.” - Christina Fernandez, freshman “The Beachcomber’s information is always reliable. I know I can trust it. If The Beachcomber says that a business is a cool place, then I believe it.” - Noah Sobel, freshman What Our Readers Say: “If there was a coupon for a great Lincoln Road business, I would get in a car and use that coupon in a flash!” - Shari Linn, sophomore “I am always looking to The Beachcomber for advice on what to buy. If the newspaper advertised a business, I would definitely try it out.” - Mark Zavala, sophomore
ADVERTISER TESTIMONIAL “The Beachcomber is the voice of the Miami Beach Senior High Community. . . 2000 strong”. The Student Newspaper of Miami Beach Senior High for 82 Years ADVERTISER TESTIMONIAL A Beachcomber SUCCESSFUL AD CAMPAIGN According to a recent survey conducted at Beach High, 22.3% of students claimed to not know of Blissberry before they advertised in The Beachcomber. An amazing 72% say they were aware of Blissberry after they saw its ad in The Beachcomber.
“The Beachcomber is the voice of the Miami Beach Senior High Community “The Beachcomber is the voice of the Miami Beach Senior High Community. . . 2000 strong”. The Student Newspaper of Miami Beach Senior High for 82 Years HOW WILL YOUR AD LOOK? EIGHTH PAGE QUARTER PAGE FULL PAGE HALF PAGE
RETURN ON ADVERTISING INVESTMENT FOR: [ Starbucks Lincoln Road ] “The Beachcomber is the voice of the Miami Beach Senior High Community. . . 2000 strong”. The Student Newspaper of Miami Beach Senior High for 82 Years RETURN ON ADVERTISING INVESTMENT FOR: [ Starbucks Lincoln Road ] Average cost of items: ~ Coffee: $4.50 Average cost of ad in The Beachcomber: ~ $67.50 (1/4 page x 8 issues less 25%) Number of items needed to be sold to recoup cost of ad: ~ 15 The Beachcomber Circulation and Distribution 5,000 copies per issue 4-8 issues a school year
INVESTMENT SPENDING The Beachcomber Rate Card “The Beachcomber is the voice of the Miami Beach Senior High Community. . . 2000 strong”. The Student Newspaper of Miami Beach Senior High for 82 Years INVESTMENT SPENDING The Beachcomber Rate Card QUARTER PAGE EIGHTH PAGE FULL PAGE QUARTER PAGE HALF PAGE
TO CONTACT THE BEACHCOMBER “The Beachcomber is the voice of the Miami Beach Senior High Community. . . 2000 strong”. The Student Newspaper of Miami Beach Senior High for 82 Years TO CONTACT THE BEACHCOMBER CALL: 305-532-4515 and ask for Andy Weiss Email: