Warm-up (Page 91) Volcanic mountains are found in different shapes around the world. What do you believe causes these mountains to form differently?


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Presentation transcript:

Warm-up (Page 91) Volcanic mountains are found in different shapes around the world. What do you believe causes these mountains to form differently?

Volcanic Landforms

*formed by thin layers of flowing lava (Pahoehoe lava) Shield volcano – wide, gentle sloping mountain. *formed by thin layers of flowing lava (Pahoehoe lava) Mauna Kea volcano - Hawaii

2. Cinder cone – small, steep, cone-shaped mountain *formed by piles of ash & cinders Mt. Etna - Italy                                                      Pu’uka Pele -Hawaii

3. Composite volcano – tall, rugged-shaped mountain (stratovolcano) *formed by layers of pyroclastic flows and thin lava flows. Mount Hood - Oregon

Caldera – a huge hole at the top of a volcanic mountain caused when the mountain collapses inward

Mount Mazama – Oregon (Wizard Island)

Life Stages of a Volcano 1. Active – erupting or will erupt in the near future (a live volcano) Mount St. Helens

Mount Egmont (New Zealand) last erupted in 1755 2. Dormant – a sleeping volcano, will erupt in the distant future (within a few hundred years) Mount Egmont (New Zealand) last erupted in 1755

3. Extinct – will not erupt again (a dead volcano) Mt. Kilamanjaro - Africa

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