State of the Union – 40 years DAC! Chip Casanave
State of the Union - the 1st 40 years of DAC Chip Casanave
Welcome to Berlin and EDUC 2016 Berlin – the right city History, new, vibrant, venue of change EDUC 2016 – the right event to tear down the walls and look to the future of #DataFlex!!
Before we tear down the walls…. There’s something to celebrate… Data Access Corporation’s 40th Anniversary! Let’s take a look back…
An amazing 40 years….. People… Company Community Cory Casanave – originator of DataFlex John Tuohy – Originally of the community, a third party supplier, now our CTO. Responsible for much of what DataFlex is today. Stephen Meeley – 31 years at DAC, Vision, creativity and energy of the DAE leadership – Nick, Janine and Eddy Customers who are also collaborators Mike Peat – UK distrib issues, quietly formed DA UK in 1990 to cover risks. DIMS Bankrupt 1991; Called Mike… Fast forward to late 2014 – planning synergy 2015, wanted talk on using DF Web with well known web resources. Called Mike again…. Lead to the Oauth project. Had so much fun, DataFlex for WordPress
What have we learned….. Continuity is critical Change is critical Company, product, concept, relationships Change is critical Continuity only comes through change Our success only comes from the success of our customers Value and pursue simplicity Earn trust; become a trusted partner
What have we learned….. Relatively small, dedicated, highly creative teams can produce amazing, durable software DataFlex DataFlex Reports Dynamic AI 10’s of thousands of business applications created by DataFlex developers
The State of the Union
The state of the union…. company The union is strong Financially strong; profitable Solid revenue growth in 2015 Strong team, energized – looking ahead
State of the Union… Product DataFlex 2016 – the best DataFlex ever! What’s next… Core enhancements – serves all environments Strong Connectivity and SQL integration On-line documentation Enhance web & mobile apps’ capability, visual properties, ease of use and security
State of the Union… Product DataFlex’s superior productivity advantages are more important than ever in today’s high- demand software marketplace By the end of 2017, market demand for mobile app development services will grow at least five times faster than internal IT organizations' capacity to deliver them. Gartner Group
State of the Union… “More software” Add to DataFlex developer’s capabilities with “opportunity projects” Decoupled; not “in the box”; free or low cost Fill common needs in the community Results so far… OAuth/REST component DataFlex for WordPress plugin
State of the Union… Marketing New Branding Clear product messaging/positioning New websites New videos; active social media Strong marketing platform for the future Build awareness, gain new customers
Data Access’ Mission Our mission is to continue to grow as a strong company that contributes to our clients’ success by delivering innovative, high-productivity software products, support and services.
The name of the corporation shall be DATA ACCESS CORPORATION From the Certificate of Incorporation…. The name of the corporation shall be DATA ACCESS CORPORATION and it’s existence shall be perpetual. June 23, 1976
Thanks for the first 40 Years! Let’s break down the walls!