RICH Status from last RICH meeting Cooling tests HV Power Supplies Operations
CW laser ON From Ross
RICH1 with CW laser ON
VIEW FOR NEW RICH 1 ABUTMENT ALONG Z AXIS Foreseen for the 13th of May, will happen on the first week of June
Schedule for RICH 2 Intervention 16-20 Feb He leak tests (DONE) Starting compressor (DONE) 23 Feb – 6 Mar LHCb week (DONE) LAMS C-side (DONE) 9-15 Mar 16-21 Mar First batch tested tubes @CERN (DONE) Second batch tested tubes @CERN (DONE) 19-26 Mar Exchange C-side tubes* (DONE) RICH2 tests 26-2 Mar-Apr Exchange A-side tubes* (DONE) *A second intervention later in the year is foreseen
February RICH2 Datapoint (from Ross) 40 HPDs have been exchanged C3_0, 2 and C6_1 L0 boards C3 LV Reg. 4/3/2009 R. Young 6
RICH2 after refurbishement databases not yet updated (from Ross)
RICH2 after HPD refurbishment and new CW laser illumination A side C side
Coolant leaks Coolant leaks around RICH1 and RICH2 were tackled and fixed; The Cooling plant + Piping are now being checked by the responsible people to further reduce the leaks
Coolant Loss after the HPD Replacements ~0.44 litres per day
HV “Glitches” U0 HV channel resp. D0 HV Some HV channels show consistently glitches in current (over-) then in voltage (under-) (see last rich meeting from Flavio also). Possible offenders: ISEG, connectors or cable. All our data point to the ISEG (ongoing). ISEG experts have pinpointed where the problem lies and are ready to fix it (whole RICH1 HV supply is travelling now for Dresden). Presentation from Flavio follows.
All current spikes in RICH 1 D: August 2008 – April 2009 Column Sat spike (2-10muA) >10muA R1 D0 61 57 4 R1 D1 9 29 14 R1 D2 41 109 20 R1 D3 5 21 6 R1 D4 1 31 R1 D5 7 R1 D6 12 from Dave
All current spikes in RICH 1 U: August 2008 – April 2009 Column Sat spike (2-10muA) >10muA R1 U0 1 R1 U1 5 R1 U2 8 R1 U3 R1 U4 15 R1 U5 2 13 R1 U6 from Dave
RICH Commissioning and Operation Tests on RICH1 and RICH2 continue: L0 calibrations (reverse voltage cal. for RICH2 achieved by Philip) New mask for noisy pixels Timing tests High rate tests Monitored HV ramps IFB runs MDMS Test with LHCb magnet towards end of July Archiving not yet reliable Update of databases
Reminder: Erich and Olav are welcoming you….. A big thank from the whole RICH collaboration to the people who made the “HPD refurbishing” operation a success! Reminder: Erich and Olav are welcoming you…..