GOD CHOSE DAVID TO BE KING MEMORY VERSE: “Then Samuel took the horn of oil, and anointed him in the midst of his brethren” 1 Samuel 16:13a
introduction God loves us and always wants to teach us some important lessons. David was the youngest son of Jesse. They lived in the city of Bethlehem. David was good, humble, and obedient to his parents. He was very hardworking and he always took care of his fathers sheep. God noticed the good behavior of David and He rewarded him. David did not know that God was watching him? Children do you know that God is watching everything we do even when nobody is around.
GOD CHOSE DAVID TO BE KING One day God decided to reward David and bless him for his good behavior. He told Samuel the prophet to go and anoint David over Israel. Children, one day is coming when you will be rewarded for all you’ve done whether in the secret or open. If you are doing good and following the examples of Jesus then continue, but if you are being bad you need to repent. God wants you to live a life that makes him happy so that He can bless you and promote you like David.
GOD CHOSE DAVID TO BE KING Sin is bad, it makes you dirty and unacceptable to God. You need to repent and turn away from all your bad ways so that God can bless you. God made David king because he was a good boy. God can also bless and promote you if you allow him to change your life today.
What to do? Know yourself as a sinner because of the bad things you have done. Tell Jesus you are sorry for your bad behaviors. Mention them to Him in prayer. Ask Him to forgive and wash you clean with His blood.
Questions Who was made king in our study today? What were the good qualities in his life? What lesson have you learnt from God’s choice of David? What should a sinner do to be accepted by God?
Lesson A life of humility and obedience will make God happy. THOUGHT I must forsake all my bad ways to make God happy