The Life Outside for Children and Young People in NI Jacqueline Melville
Overview A picture of health - health and wellbeing in NI The UNCRC and health Friend or foe – Transforming Your Care and Welfare Reform
A Picture of Health Higher rate of mental illness Higher rate of disability Higher rate of hospital admissions and longer stays 2010 saw the highest recorded level of suicide
UNICEF Report Card – UK ranked 21 of 21 in childhood wellbeing Highest UK level of persistent child poverty Highest UK rate of children on the Child Protection Register
Public Expenditure Personal Social Services Spend: NI £287 per child England £402 per child Wales £429 per child Scotland £513 per child
Percentage of PSS budget spend: NI 14% on children Scotland 21% on children England 24% on children Wales 26% on children
The UNCRC and Health Article 24 (1): States Parties recognise the right of the child to the enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of health and to facilities for the treatment of illness and rehabilitation of health
Article 24(1): States Parties shall strive to ensure that no child is deprived of his or her right to access such health care services
Health inequalities and poverty Those in the 20% most deprived areas are 40% more likely to die before 75 Those in poverty have a 66% higher rate of respiratory mortality and 65% higher rate of lung cancer
Those in the most deprived populations have a 19% higher admission rate to neonatal intensive care Those in poverty have a 73% higher rate of suicide
UNICEF Implementation Handbook The holistic nature of the Convention ... stresses the obvious connections between the child’s right to health with rights to an adequate standard of living, to education and to protection from all forms of violence and abuse
One and all – some UNCRC principles Indivisibility of rights Progressive realisation
Friend or foe? Children’s health and wellbeing - Transforming Your Care Children’s health and wellbeing – Welfare Reform
Final Thoughts The journey for children’s health and wellbeing in NI