2015 CWAG Annual Meeting July 21, 2015 Federal Lands Transfer Project CWAG/WAGLAC Subcommittee on Public Lands 2015 CWAG Annual Meeting July 21, 2015
States Represented on the Public Lands Subcommittee Idaho Montana Nevada New Mexico Utah Washington Wyoming
Mission Statement It is the mission of the CWAG Subcommittee on public lands, through directed and concerted joint objective legal research and analysis, to produce a document containing detailed, organized, and comprehensive commentary on legal theories and defenses for and against the continuation of substantial proprietary ownership by the United States Government of land in the western United States of America.
Completed Work Scoping Memorandum Compilation of Relevant Research Materials Draft Analyses/Overviews of: 1. Theories of Liability Enclave Clause Equal Footing Doctrine Property Clause State Enabling Acts 2. Litigation Issues Jurisdiction Remedies Defenses Peer Review of the Draft Analyses/Overview
Work in Progress • A Draft White Paper Addressing the Theories of Liability (with any Minority or Supplemental Reports) • A Draft White Paper or Series of White Papers Addressing the Litigation Issues