Terralia – Green extraction Context :: - Social : Increased need in natural extracts (nutraceutical, food, feed, biocontrol, cosmetic…) - Environmental : Increased concern to valorise bio-waste, optimise energy consumption, - Legislative : to decrease the used of petrochimical solvents, to find new alternative solvents Green extraction processes are not widely implemented in factories. Companies are not aware of scientific results A lack of scale-up studies on industrial line A lack of technico-economical data to compare with conventionnal processes Skills of Terralia network : Laboratries : Green, SQPOV Technical Platforms : PEEV (micro-wave, ultrasonics), Extralians (Supercdritical fluids), ERINI (analysis) Companies : nutraceutical (Naturex, Indena), biocontrol (koppert, Bayer, Valagro), food & ingredients (aromas & colors)
Terralia – Green extraction Objectives To develop new value chains integrating green extraction technologies To developp new extracts To give opportunity for SME to access to new markets, To promote innovation and competiveness of SMEs using these new technologies Type of Actions Supporting research projects on processes, solvents, new extracts Facilitating industrial faisability projects & large scale project (demonstrating, comparison of process and extract quality) Supporting industrial implementation of this technology in new businsess Actions BtoB meeting Innovation projects, faisability projects with access to technical plateforms Make link between green-extracts provider and end-user SME easier for new value chains
Terralia – Green extraction Current state of development your project? Under construction, research of partner Type of partners searched : Clusters working on natural ingredients for cosmetic, nutraceutic and pharmaceutic Clusters working on green-extraction Type of skills searched : Green extraction knowledge : microwave, Ultrasonics, supercritical fluids, liquified gazes, HPHT, flash release…. Knowledge on extracts applications among different markets (food, nutraceuticals, biocontrol, cosmetic)