Warm up: Persuasive thesis Practice For today’s prompt, you must: Write a thesis with your stance and two clear reasons for your opinion. Then think of at least one example to back up your thesis. Draft in your notebook. Final on your dry erase boards.
Today’s prompt (10 minutes) Read the following quotation. “I believe with all my heart that America must always stand for these basic human rights -- at home and abroad. That is both our history and our destiny. America did not invent human rights. In a very real sense, it is the other way around. Human rights invented America. The battle for human rights -- at home and abroad -- is far from over… We should take pride that the ideals which gave birth to our nation still inspire the hopes of oppressed people around the world.” -Jimmy Carter Think carefully about the following statement. Some people believe that the United States is leader of the free world and it’s our responsibility to defend human rights around the world. Other people believe that it’s not our responsibility and we should respect cultural differences by remaining neutral. Write an essay stating your position about whether or not the United States should intervene in human rights violations in other countries.
Chapter six reading dialectical journal (30 minutes) In this chapter, we learn a lot about Beah and his brother Junior and their life before the war. Find two examples of characterization in chapter 6. Make sure you fully explain what your quotes reveal about the character’s personality in your commentary.
Chapters 7 & 8 Reading (31 minutes) For these chapters, fill in the remainder of your dialectical journal. You can find any of the devices listed above except characterization- setting, figurative language or imagery. Sticky note as we read. There will be time at the end of class to fill in your chart.
Exit Ticket (10 minutes) Finish your “Dialectical Journal” and turn it in to the tray. It’s a classwork grade.