Consultation on Foston and Terrington Primary Schools Federation Wednesday September 28th at Terrington VA CE Primary School Tuesday October 4th at Foston VC CE Primary
Agenda Welcome and introductions - Sarah Moore Headteacher Outline of the proposals- Helen Ashdown Chair of Governors Terrington Discussion and questions - All Summing up and next steps – Sarah Moore
Outline Consultation Federation Changes Governing Body Voluntary Controlled and Voluntary Aided Schools Staffing Finance Why Federate?
The Consultation Governors of both schools are recommending Federation as the way forward A progression from Confederation in 2010 National emphasis on Schools collaborating to improve outcomes. Advice from Diocese of York and North Yorkshire County Council. Consultation Period until November 11th Consultation document and FAQ to all parents Talking to children Involving the community
What does Federation involve? Change in School governance from two governing bodies to one. Possibility of employing new staff across both schools Possibility of a single budget
Church of England Voluntary Aided and Voluntary Controlled Schools Voluntary Controlled - Foston Voluntary Aided - Terrington Christian Character Collective Worship Fewer Foundation Governors LA Admissions Capital work funded by LA LA RE syllabus Ofsted and SIAMs Inspections Staff employed by LA Delegated budget Christian Ethos Collective Worship Majority Foundation Governors Own admissions Capital 90% Diocese 10% School Diocesan RE syllabus Ofsted and SIAMS Inspections Staff employed by Governors Delegated budget
Current Governing Bodies Foston (Voluntary Controlled) 2 Parent Governors 2 Staff Governors ( Head + 1) 1 Local Authority Governor 1 ex officio Governor 2 Foundation Governors 4 Co –opted Governors Terrington ( Voluntary Aided) 2 Parent Governors 2 Staff Governors ( Head + 1) 1 Local Authority Governor 1 ex officio Governor 6 Foundation Governors
Federation Governing Body 2 Parent Governors 2 Staff Governors 1 Local Authority Governor 2 ex officio Governors 6 Foundation Governors
What doesn’t change No closure of either school No amalgamation Schools retain their separate characters as controlled and aided Same admissions Same Inspections Existing staff on same contracts.
What could change if new Governing Body believed it would benefit the schools New staff could be employed by the Federation and so be required to work across both schools Revenue budget could be run as one budget by combining the two delegated budgets.
Why Federate? Improving education for children by: Better use of Head and staff time Better use of financial resources Improved staff development Opportunities for children to to work with wider peer group Increased viability and sustainability of both schools Fewer governors to recruit Less duplication of governance More attractive for staff recruitment