A Patchwork of Partnerships This presentation will depict the partnerships of Labrador Child and Family Centre as a quilt-many patches, many pieces, many colors, many sizes, all woven and held together by a common thread. This quilt, woven by an intergenerational craft group providing their own representation of family and community hangs at the centre
Symbols of our history, shaping our present and motivating our futures
The Beginning- holding on to the unknown (messiness)
Corporate Challenges- GCCC Shortfall of community infrastructure across the city identified Design and operation of existing Council facilities not meeting community need- High demand from community sector for dedicated space Shortage of land available for development of community infrastructure History of competition within community sector in relation to funding and sharing of space
Site aerial
The Bare threads…foundation processes Community consultation events held on site Develop a shared focus on outcomes of facility with joint decision making processes Designs refined by stakeholders Detailed designs produced and implemented Involve users of facilities in the governance structure Identified as the most appropriate place on site for these activities Many interested stakeholders keen to work together to deliver outcomes for the Labrador Community Strong involvement in creating a suitably designed space Working party to morph into facility steering grou
different roles, equally important
Weaving relationships towards a single purpose Have a relationship building strategy? Focussing on strengths and assets Creating excitement Remain positive and keep messages clear and simple Engage people from their strengths. Listen, listen to the soft voices, those on the edge- they have important data to contribute Avoid gossip, talk about ideas not people
Building trust of the process- 10% inspiration, 90% implementation Commitment to time, attending meetings. And getting though tasks before meeting - working hard Honesty even when its difficult to say Power Sharing Hard concensus/democracy Renegotiation, remaining flexible Dealing with change- keeping outcomes in focus
Preparing for transitions- cashing in on trust
Developing reassurance- being mindful of differing needs (internal and external)
Reassurance v Turning up the Heat Involvement must benefit each partner and contribute to organisational outcomes Presenting Problems- framing problems and challenges Avoid technical fixes for adaptive problems- resist taking action quickly in order to develop creative and joint solutions Insist on joint responsibility- encourage people to let go Understanding the factions- understand the tensions Developing and promoting opportunity to explore each partners needs and resources; interests and culture
Upcoming challenges - keeping the patchwork strong. Development of governing structure through MOU’s signed off by each organisation Change of personnel on the advisory committee- investing in building understanding Developing common assessment process Jointly contributing to the operational costs of the centre Developing information sharing procedures Joint participation in planning cycle and integration into operational plans of each organisation
We will aim to continue to capture the common and the uncommon threads, and weave them together