Central Idea & Closing Sentence Revising Invitation Central Idea & Closing Sentence Revising for Focus & Clear Ideas Day 1
Invitation to Notice & Imitate Central Idea Day 1 Invitation to Notice & Imitate Central Idea Central Idea Sharks live in seas and oceans all over the world. Most are found in warm parts of the Atlantic, Pacific, and Indian Oceans, but a few live in the cold oceans near the North and South poles. Sharks live in every part of the sea, from shallow water to the deepest depths, and from rocky shores to coral reefs. Excerpt from Sharks by Anita Ganeri
Invitation to Notice & Imitate Closing Sentence Day 1 If you notice one of these beautifully patterned shells on the sea floor, you might be tempted to pick it up. That would be a big mistake. The cone shell hunts and defends itself with poisoned barbs that can be launched like harpoons. The barbs are so poisonous that you can die within minutes of being stabbed. NEVER collect a cone shell. Closing Sentence Excerpt from Never Smile at a Monkey by Steven Jenkins
Central Idea & Closing Sentence Revising Invitation Central Idea & Closing Sentence Revising for Focus & Clear Ideas Day 2
Invitation to Write & Celebrate Day 2 A central idea is the main idea or message an author wants to convey about a topic in a composition. Sharks live in seas and oceans all over the world. A closing sentence wraps up a paragraph or a composition with a main idea or message. NEVER collect a cone shell.
Let’s try it out! Share Time Day 2 Read the paragraph below. Try to write a strong central idea or closing sentence to convey the main idea or message. Many sharks have a streamlined shape for fast swimming. Their bodies are thicker in the middle, and taper at the head and tail. Sharks have many other body features that help them survive in the sea. Share Time
Central Idea & Closing Sentence Revising Invitation Central Idea & Closing Sentence Revising for Focus & Clear Ideas Day 3
Test Talk: We Try It Together Day 3 (1) Normally, stingrays do not attack people. (2) But if you step on a ray or frighten it by swimming too close you can be seriously injured, or − if you’re really unlucky − killed. (3) The ray can drive its long, poisonous spine deep into the body of any animal or human that it perceives as a threat. Steve wants to add a sentence to the beginning of his first paragraph (sentences 1-3). Which sentence should he add to clearly state the central idea of his paper? A Never watch a stingray. B Never step on a stingray. C Never swim in the ocean. D Never pick up stray animals.
Day 3 (1) People around the world know that the giant pandas are in danger. (2) The Chinese government built several protected areas for the animals. (3) The government also punishes people who kill and capture the giant pandas. (4) Many zoos have programs to save the giant pandas. Tyler wants to add a closing sentence to his paper. Which sentence could BEST follow sentence 4 and help bring his paper to a close? A People should go to zoos to learn about the pandas in China. B If people work together, maybe they can save the giant pandas of China. C Pandas eat bamboo, which is a special kind of tree that grows in China. D Other animals are in danger in China, too.
Central Idea & Closing Sentence Revising Invitation Central Idea & Closing Sentence Revising for Focus & Clear Ideas Day 4
Test Talk: I Try It! Day 4 (1) The Red Cross started as an idea that a young man named Henri Dunant had. (2) He was traveling through Italy in 1859 when he came upon a little town where a battle had just taken place. (3) About 40,000 men had been injured, and there were not enough people to take care of them all. (4) He did his best to help, but it was a huge job. (5) Henri asked local villagers to help provide relief. Ashley wants to add a sentence to the end of her first paragraph (sentences 1-5). Which sentence should she add to clearly state the central idea of her paper? A Thus, began the seed idea for an organization that would provide help in times of great trouble. B Many of the villagers did not know how to help people in need. C There are many different organizations that support people during natural disasters. D He decided to travel and talk to people all over Europe. There needed to be more people who could help in times of trouble like that.
Leah wrote a report about the start of the American Red Cross Leah wrote a report about the start of the American Red Cross. Read her paper and look for ways to revise it. Day 4 (1) In 1869, Clara traveled overseas. (2) She learned about the International Red Cross. (3) This group helped wounded soldiers during the war. (4) Clara spent time working for the Red Cross in France. (5) She decided to start a similar group in America. (6) After four years of hard work, Clara’s dream was realized. (7) The American Red Cross was founded on May 21, 1881. (8) Clara led one of the first relief efforts later that year. (9) She helped over 5,000 people who lost their homes in a great fire. Leah wants to add a closing sentence to her paper. Which sentence could BEST follow sentence 9 and help bring his paper to a close? A Afterwards, the American Red Cross provided money, food, clothing, and household items. B The American Red Cross also provides hospitals with blood donations. C The next year, the American Red Cross helped people overcome one of the worst disasters in history. D Since then, the American Red Cross has helped people recover from disasters. There needed to be more people who could help in times of trouble like that.