Walk Two Moons Week 1: Day 1 – Day 5 (1st nine weeks) By: Sharon Creech
Week 1 Day 1 Introduction Beautifully-written, complicated novel Complex story structure There are actually two stories The story of how Sal meets other children who are struggling to deal with their own family problems The story of how Sal's grandparents take her on a journey to come to grips with her mother's death Lets explore the book and the author http://walktwomoonswebquest.blogspot.com/
Week 1 Day 1 First Focus (15 mins; chp 1 and 2) So what do we know about how Sal feels about moving and taking a trip with her grandparents?
Week 1 Day 1 Text Structure Story Element Notes Details Characters Sal Setting Problem Events
Week 1 Day 1 Vocabulary/ Word Study Return re (open) turn (r-controlled) Definition: To go back or come back, or the act of going or coming back. That makes sense because the prefix re means again. And it’s easy to add our verb suffixes: returned, returning. Example: If we use it as a noun, we could say, “The queen’s return to the castle was quite fabulous.” If we use it as a verb, we could say, “The prince returned to the very spot where we had first seen the princess.” Parts of speech: Noun or a verb, but the meanings are very similar.
Week 1 Day 1 Vocabulary/ Word Study Restore re (open) store (r-controlled) Definition: To bring something back to its original or perfect condition. Restore has the same prefix, so we knew that it would to have something to do with again. Example: We can restore an old house by painting it and repairing it. We can also restore our good feelings about someone if that person apologizes. Parts of speech: Verb. It can be used as a noun, but we have to add a suffix: restoration. The restoration of the house was quite expensive.
Week 1 Day 1 First Focus (15 mins; Chp 1and 2) We are going to meet our main character, Sal, as she moves and as she takes a trip with her grandparents. Focus on how she feels about both events. Look for clues that the author provides. Today we will be reading Chapters 1 and 2 chorally ***Every time we read a book we read for a purpose.***
Week 1 Day 1 Choral Reading ( Chp 1 and 2) I can make an inference here about how Sal is feeling about the move. The text said that she has moved from Kentucky to Ohio. I know that that is a long way. It also says that Sal wants to go back to get something. I can put those ideas together to say that she is not happy about moving because it wouldn’t make sense to go back to get something. That is called inferencing
Week 1 day 1 First Focus (15 mins; Chp. 1 and 2) How did Sal feel about moving and taking a trip with her grandparents?
Week 1 day 1 Partner Read ~ New Focus (15 mins; Chp. 1 and 2) Reread Chapters 1 and 2 with your partner. This time pay attention to the colorful language that the author uses. What does it tell us about Sal’s grandparents?
Week 1 Day 1 Partner Read ~ New Focus (15 mins; Chp. 1 and 2) What does the colorful language that the author uses tell us about Sal’s grandparents?
Week 1 Day 1 Discussion Starters (Chp. 1 and 2) 1. What do you think a chickabiddy is? 2. Why do you think the author compares the story to a plaster wall? How does that use of language serve the author's purpose? 3. Why do you think that Sal and her father moved? Give details to support your answer. 4. What did it mean to say that Sal’s mother was resting peacefully? Support your interpretation.
Week 1 day 1 Written Responses (Chp. 1 and 2) In your notebook Discussion/Constructed Responses Draw a line, write C.R. and today’s date on your page. 1. Reread these pages and find the words return and restore. Tell what they mean in the story, and then use each word in another way. Use a super sentence. ( at least 7 words) 2. The author hints that Phoebe is going to be an important character. What do you think the relationship between Phoebe and Sal might be? How could she be important? Target Word Who What When Where Why How
Share Written Response The author hints that Phoebe is going to be an important character. What do you think the relationship between Phoebe and Sal might be? How could she be important? Please show your partner your written response.
Week one day 2 Vocabulary/ Word Study Comfort Com(closed) fort(r controlled) Definition: To give relief or make more pleasant. Example: You can comfort someone who is sad by hugging her. Parts of speech: Noun or verb. The verb suffixes are added without spelling change. The adjective form is comforted
Week 1 day 2 Vocabulary/ Word Study Defend De (open) fend (closed) Definition: To protect from harm. Example: You should defend a friend if people are telling lies about him. Parts of speech: Verb. Verb suffixes are added without spelling change: defended, defending. Defense is the noun form. Defensive is the adjective form.
Week 1 day 2 First focus ( 15 mins. Chp. 3 and 4) Sal goes to school. Focus on how she is feeling about the whole move. Today we will be reading Chapters 3 and 4 chorally.
Week 1 day 2 Choral Reading (Chapters 3 and 4) I need to self monitor here. I don’t know what a whangdoodle is. So I’m going to reread the paragraph and see if I can make it make sense. I think it must mean something bad, but I don’t need to know exactly what it is. I have to infer the word meaning based on the information around it.
Week 1 day 2 First focus (15 mins. Chp. 3 and 4) So how do you think she is feeling about the whole move
Week 1 day 2 Partner Read – New focus (15 mins. Chp. 3 and 4) Partner Reading Week 1 day 2 Partner Read – New focus (15 mins. Chp. 3 and 4) Reread Chapters 3 and 4 with your partner. What do we learn about Phoebe in these chapters? What sort of character do you think she is going to turn out to be?
Week 1 day 2 Partner read –New focus (15 mins. Chp. 3 and 4) Second Focus Week 1 day 2 Partner read –New focus (15 mins. Chp. 3 and 4) What do we learn about Phoebe in these chapters? What sort of character do you think she is going to turn out to be
Week 1 day 2 Discussion Starters (chapters 3 and 4) 1. What do we know about the relationship between Sal’s dad and Mrs. Cadaver? 2. Why do you think Sal is so disappointed with her new house? 3. Why did Phoebe think Sal was so brave? Give reasons to support your opinion. 4. Sal’s mother has a very unusual name. Why do you think the author gave her that name? 5. What kind of character is Phoebe’s grandmother? 6. Why does Sal say she has an allergy?
Week 1 day 2 Text structure Story Element Notes Details Characters Make family trees for Sal and Phoebe Setting Problem Events
Week 1 day 2 Written response (chp. 3 and 4) ( In your notebook) 1. Reread these pages and find the words comfort and defend. Tell what they mean in the story, and then use each word in another way. Use a super sentence. 2. Phoebe has a theory about Mr. and Mrs. Cadaver. What do you think it is? Write it out as if Phoebe were telling Sal. Make sure that you write from Phoebe's point of view Target Word Who What When Where Why How
Share Written Response Phoebe has a theory about Mr. and Mrs. Cadaver. What do you think it is? Write it out as if Phoebe were telling Sal. Make sure that you write from Phoebe's point of view. Please show your partner your written response
Week 1 day 3 vocabulary/ word study Respect re(open) spect (closed) Definition: Being thought of highly. We see the re at the start of this word, but it’s actually not a prefix. Example: You respect people who are truthful and kind. Parts of speech: Noun and verb. We can add verb suffixes without spelling change: respected, respecting. Respectable is the adjective form.
Week 1 day 3 vocabulary/ word study Impress im(closed) press(closed) Definition: To make a strong positive impact on someone. Example: You impress me when your interpretations of stories include figurative meanings. Parts of speech: Verb. We can add verb suffixes without spelling change: impressed, impressing. The noun form is impression.
Week 1 day 3 first focus (15 mins. CHp. 5 and 6) Focus on what we learn about Sal's grandparents. Today we will be reading Chapters 5 and 6 chorally
Week 1 day 3 choral reading (CHP. 5 and 6) This story is going back and forth in time, so I am going to stop here to summarize. I am going to pick out only details that are about Sal’s parents. We knew that Sal’s mother is dead, and that Sal’s father is interested in Mrs. Cadaver. Now we also know that Sal’s father loved her mother very much, and that Sal’s mother also loved Sal’s father. Her death must have been very sad for everyone, but we don’t know how or when it happened.
Week 1 day 3 first focus (15 mins CHP 5 and 6) This story is going back and forth in time, so I am going to stop here to summarize. I am going to pick out only details that are about Sal’s parents. We knew that Sal’s mother is dead, and that Sal’s father is interested in Mrs. Cadaver. Now we also know that Sal’s father loved her mother very much, and that Sal’s mother also loved Sal’s father. Her death must have been very sad for everyone, but we don’t know how or when it happened. What do we learn about Sal’s grandparents?
Week 1 day 3 Partner read–New Focus (15 mins. Chp. 5 and 6) Reread Chapters 5 and 6 with your partner. What do we learn about Phoebe’s parents?
Week 1 day 3 Partner read-new focus (15 mins. Chp. 5 and 6) What do we learn about Phoebe’s parents?
Week 1 day 3 Discussion questions (chp. 5 and 6) 1. How can we tell that there is a story within a story going on here? Find specific quotes to justify your answer. 2. Is Gramps’ “helping” the woman surprising, given what we have learned about him? 3. Does Phoebe seem like her parents? Why? What specific words and phrases from the story support your opinion? 4. How do you think Mrs. Winterbottom feels during the dinner? What clues does the author give? 5. What do we learn about the relationship between Sal’s mother and father?
Week 1 day 3 Text structure Story Element Notes Details Characters Setting Two settings Problem Events
Week 1 day 3 written response (chp. 5 and 6) (in your notebook) 1. Reread these pages and find the words respect and impress. Tell what they mean in the story, and then use each word in another way. Use a super sentence. 2. If you were going to dinner with a friend, would you rather eat at Sal’s grandparents’ house or Phoebe’s parents’ house? Why? Support your opinion with specific details. Target Word Who What When Where Why How
Share written response If you were going to dinner with a friend, would you rather eat at Sal’s grandparents’ house or Phoebe’s parents’ house? Why? Support your opinion with specific details. Please show your partner your opinion
Vocabulary Return Restore Let's review our words for this week. Definition: To go back or come back, or the act of going or coming back. That makes sense because the prefix re means again. And it’s easy to add our verb suffixes: returned, returning. Example: If we use it as a noun, we could say, “The queen’s return to the castle was quite fabulous.” If we use it as a verb, we could say, “The prince returned to the very spot where we had first seen the princess.” Parts of speech: Noun or a verb, but the meanings are very similar. Restore Definition: To bring something back to its original or perfect condition. Restore has the same prefix, so we knew that it would to have something to do with again. Example: We can restore an old house by painting it and repairing it. We can also restore our good feelings about someone if that person apologizes. Parts of speech: Verb. It can be used as a noun, but we have to add a suffix: restoration. The restoration of the house was quite expensive.
Vocabulary Comfort Defend Let's review our words for this week. Definition: To give relief or make more pleasant. Example: You can comfort someone who is sad by hugging her. Parts of speech: Noun or verb. The verb suffixes are added without spelling change. The adjective form is comforted. Defend Definition: To protect from harm. Example: You should defend a friend if people are telling lies about him. Parts of speech: Verb. Verb suffixes are added without spelling change: defended, defending. Defense is the noun form. Defensive is the adjective form.
Vocabulary Respect Impress Let's review our words for this week. Definition: Being thought of highly. We see the re at the start of this word, but it’s actually not a prefix. Example: You respect people who are truthful and kind. Parts of speech: Noun and verb. We can add verb suffixes without spelling change: respected, respecting. Respectable is the adjective form. Impress Definition: To make a strong positive impact on someone. Example: You impress me when your interpretations of stories include figurative meanings. Parts of speech: Verb. We can add verb suffixes without spelling change: impressed, impressing. The noun form is impression.
Week 1 day 4 first focus (15 mins. Chp. 7 and 8) Look for evidence that Sal’s feelings change. Today we will be reading Chapters 7 and 8 chorally.
Week 1 day 4 choral read (chp. 7 and 8) I need to self monitor here. In the last chapter, we learned that Sal’s father really loved Sal’s mother, and we thought that it was so sad that she had died. Now it says that Sal’s mother actually left the family. That’s surprising. If I think back, I can remember that Sal’s mother was actually very sad and she said that she could never be as good as Sal’s father. I can tell that the story of why Sal’s mother left is complicated, but I’m going to have to read on to understand it.
Week 1 day 4 first focus (15 mins. Chp. 7 and 8) What evidence is there that Sal’s feelings change? First Focus
Week 1 day 4 partner read-new focus (15 mins. Chp. 7 and 8) Reread Chapters 7 and 8 with your partner. There are lots of instances in which Sal is very brave. Think about where she is brave in this section.
Week 1 day 4 partner read-new focus (15 mins. Chp. 7 and 8) Where is Sal brave in this section?
Week 1 day 4 discussion questions (chp. 7 and 8) 1. Why do you think Sal feels that they need to rush? Give evidence for your opinion. 2. What does Sal mean when she says that she was like a mirror to her mother? How is this an example of figurative language? 3. Why do you think Sal felt guilty that she was happy to see the newborn calf? 4. What do you think they are trying to get to Lewiston, Idaho for? Give reasons to support your opinion. 5. Let’s look at a map and try to trace their route. 6. How are Sal and Phoebe different when the strange boy comes to the door? Contrast these two characters. 7. Why does Phoebe pretend her mother is home?
Week 1 day 4 text structure (chp. 7 and 8) Story Element Notes Details Characters Setting Setting for the trip - moving across the country Problem Events
Week 1 day 4 written response (chp.7 and 8) in your notebook 1. Work with a partner to practice spelling test and to write three super sentences that have two Meaning Vocabulary words in each. 2. Who do you think the young man is? Give reasons. Target Word Who What When Where Why How
Week 1 day 4 shared written response (chp. 7 and 8) Who do you think the young man is? Give reasons. Please show your partner your response.
Week 1 day 5 first focus (15 mins. Chp. 9 and 10) Now we are going to see why the author chose the title for this book. Think about what it means to walk two moons in another person’s shoes. Today we will be reading Chapters 9 and 10 chorally.
Week 1 day 5 Choral read (chp 9 and 10) If I don’t know the meaning of the word gullible I can make a pretty good inference here by putting clues together. I know that Gramps was lying about the shrapnel, which is metal, in his leg from the war because he wanted to get the parking space. But then Sal asks him, so she doesn’t know that he is lying. Then she realizes that it is imaginary, because she doesn’t want to say he is lying. And she says she is slow to figure things out. So “gullible as a fish” must mean that she is easy to trick or fool.
Week 1 day 5 first focus (15 mins. Chp. 9 and 10) So what do we know about what it means to walk two moons in another person’s shoes?
Week 1 day 5 partner read-new focus (15 mins. Chp. 9 and 10) Reread Chapters 9 and 10 with your partner, and think about Gramps and Gran and why they seem to be taking a scenic route.
Week 1 day 5 partner read-new focus (15 mins. Chp. 9 and 10) What can you tell me about Gramps and Gran and why they seem to be taking a scenic route?
Week 1 day 5 discussion question (chp. 9 and 10) 1. How is Mary Lou Finney’s family different from Phoebe’s? Contrast the two families. 2. How do you think Sal feels when Ben gives her the drawing? Find quotes from the text to support your opinion. 3. How does Mrs. Winterbottom react to the message? What about Mr. Winterbottom? Compare and contrast these two characters. 4. Who do you think the message is actually for? 5. Why does Gram think it’s harder to have fewer children? 6. How does Sal get separated from her Gran? How does she feel? 7. Where is her Gran?
Week 1 day 5 text structure (chp. 9 and 10) Try to fill in both of the problems – one for each story. Talk about how the problems are related, and what has happened, in general, since they were revealed. Story Element Notes Details Characters Setting Problem One for each story. Events
Week 1 day 5 written response (chp. 9 and 10) in your notebook 1. Reread these two chapters. What do we learn about Sal’s relationship with her mother? Find quotations to support your opinion.