Lesson 9 Production and Deployment (P&D) Exercise Team #
Scenario 1: Battery Failures in Production Root Cause Analysis Findings Provide Results of Root Cause Analysis
Scenario 2: CM Challenges Tasks Each team answer the following question(s) assigned (delete other team’s questions accordingly for briefing): Team 1. What CM issues are likely to occur because the Bull Dog is in Production and Deployment and the Firebird is in Operations and Support? What could you do as the Configurations Manager to improve the situation? Team 2. The processing of ECPs has been a serial process between the PMOs. When agreement between Program Offices is obtained, the ECP is formalized and presented to the originating contractor for contract modification. The time to process ECPs has been extensive and costly. What could you do as the PEO SE to improve the situation? How would you manage changes to the interfaces? Team 3. The Bull Dog video interface installs were contracted to be done to the deployed units during their first scheduled depot overhaul period. Unfortunately, the world situation changed and the Bull Dog units were kept overseas causing gaps in the overhaul schedule. What could you do as the SE to improve the situation?
Scenario 2: CM Challenges Tasks (cont’d) Team 4. When the first Bull Dog units arrived at the depot overhaul facility, it was realized that these units did not match the current Technical Data Package. What could you do as the PEO SE to improve the situation? Team 5. When the Bull Dog System successfully completed OT&E, the Program SE scheduled the Physical Configuration Audit (PCA). Explain the importance of the PCA to the Configurations Manager and Program SE. Identify some common problems associated with this event? Team 6. When the Bull Dog System successfully completed OT&E, the Program SE scheduled the Physical Configuration Audit (PCA). During the PCA it was discovered that the Bull Dog Production Unit did not match the drawing package provided by the contractor. What could you do as the SE for the Bull Dog PMO to rectify the situation?
Scenario 3: Software Upgrade During Production Task All teams: Explain how you would integrate the software into the Bull Dog design. Define a timeline for integrating the software into the Bull Dog. Adapt the provided schedule template as shown on the following slide; Assume FY5 Q1 starting point. Note: As detailed in the CDD, FOC consists of 500 Bull Dog UGVs, one control station per five Bull Dog UGVs, and associated support infrastructure (training, maintenance, and logistics).
Software Upgrade Template (Move/Add/Subtract icons - as required) FY5 FY6 FY7 FY8 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Bull Dog Increment #1 Milestones & Phases SW Rapid Acq. Milestones & Phases Builds/Spirals Testing Hdwr Test Articles Reviews Funding NOW FRP Increment #1 IOC FRP FOC IOC MDD EOA OA DT&E IOT&E Builds/Spirals Production FRP Prototypes SRR PDR SFR TRR SVR PRR CDR RDT&E Procurement
Reviews/Audits/Activities 4. Reviews/Audits/Activities (see DAG): What do these P&D reviews/audits/activities validate and/or produce? What entrance/exit criteria would you propose for these Bull Dog reviews/audits/activities? Team #1 Team #2 Team #3 Team #4 Team #5 Team #6 LRIP X IOT&E PCA FRP Decision IOC FOC
Technical Management Processes 5. Relate the following Technical Management Processes to what you do at work (Briefer pick one). Decision Analysis Technical Planning Technical Assessment Requirements Management Risk Management Configuration Management Technical Data Management Interface Management Note: You must relate the above processes to your work tasks. Keep your answers top level. You do not have to tie your answers into this lesson exercise.