Education for Sustainable Development in BSP Gedy Siimenson, BSP general coordinator
The Baltic Sea Project, celebrate 25!
BSP started in 1989 with 3 main objectives. The Baltic Sea Project has a long history and during that time it has developed it’s traditions very dear to the people. BSP started in 1989 with 3 main objectives.
Increase the awareness of environmental problems.
Give students an understanding of the scientific aspects between man and nature.
And an understanding of social and cultural aspects.
To develop the ability of students to study changes in the environment. Environmental measurment programm: Pine Needle Project, sulphur value
To encourage students to participate in developing a sustaineble future.
And what have we done so far? BSP got all objectives right at the alley of ESD, and the main goal has not changed – to support environmental healing of the Baltic Sea through our traditional and new activities & events. And what have we done so far?
So far we have... Done joint events & activities: national and international camps, seminars, conferences, meetings for strengthening the network. Educational approach: to acheive balance between a holistic view and individual subject studies & change the role of the student from passive recipient to active constructor.
We also have... Prepared Newsletter 38 (at the end of March), Educational materials (worksheets with programmes), Learner’s Guide (As you know LG10 about main methods used in BSP is on it’s way!).
New waves coming with digitalization of the programmes!
And what else is ahead of us?
...documentation of outcomes through BSP students woice & actions. BSP is going for... ... EU application to have financial support for every country involved. ...involving new media (tablet computer programmes, more videos, films, animations, YouTube, comics). ...documentation of outcomes through BSP students woice & actions.
... certified basis of BSP schools. BSP is going for... ... certified basis of BSP schools. ...lots of activities and events for students for scientific, cultural & social learning. For example
Upcoming events: March 8-10, 2014 - First Seed Money meeting with new possible partners. March, 2014 – Learners Guide nr 10, Newsletter April, 2014 - The next international Web Quiz April 10, 2014 - Agenda 21 NOW! “Prejudices against the world - the world against prejudices” April 10-13, 2014 – National coordinators meeting in Estonia. April 22, 2014 – Opens the exhibition of the drawing contest “The Gulf of Finland – the coast and wildlife”
Upcoming events: May 26-30, 2014 - 21th international camp school in Meri- Pori, Finland June, 2014 – Second Seed Money meeting in Lithuania June 27-July1, 2014 – International camp in Roosta, Estonia June or July, 2014 – National summer camp in Lithuania October, 2014 – International science camp, organized by Denmark October, 2014 Danish teachers annual meeting. October 23-14, 2014 – Teachers seminar in Estonia November 21-22, 2014 – National conference in Lithuania ...and many more...
"Despite economic downturns from time to time, the Baltic Sea coastal countries have what it takes to be persistent, ambitious and forward-looking in their efforts to save the sea.“ Tarja Halonen, Finnish president, at HELCOM 40th anniversary Jubilee, 05.03.2014.