Converting word, excel, and powerpoint into html docs Michael Roy Information Technology Services Wesleyan University
Assumptions Know how to create powerpoint, excel, and word documents Know how to publish materials to the web
Benefits of using office to create html Easy conversion of pre-existing materials powerpoint graphics excel analysis and formatting of data
Drawbacks to this method Powerpoint treats text as graphics Word is a clunky web editor For simple tables, most web editors will do what excel will do for formatting
Goals for this class Convert a pre-existing powerpoint presentation to a web page Convert a pre-existing word document to a web page Convert a pre-existing excel document to a stand-alone web page Insert an excel table into a pre-existing web page
Word Conversion
Excel as standalone web page Takes any number of ranges within an existing spreadsheet and creates a single web page.
Excel embedded into existing page Need to insert comment into page at point where you want the data <!--##Table##--> creates new document (similar to mail merge)
Materials This presentation can be found at All of the files needed to do the in-class exercises can be found at