GRADS Advisory Committee Meeting 1 April 8, 2015
Purpose The GRADS Advisory Committee has been established in order to obtain more formal direction and development requests from program faculty and staff who use GRADS.
Composition Selected Program Staff from Each College Selected Faculty Representative from the Admission Centers (Harrisburg and Great Valley) Representatives from GES Representatives from Network Operations
Member Responsibilities Represent program and college Solicit from and share information with other programs in your college Attend committee meetings (4-6 per year) Learn about changes with GRADS Submit ideas for changes Discuss others’ ideas Review GRADS modifications
Length of Membership At least one year Goal: maintain committee continuity without burning out any members Length: To be determined
Process Idea/request submitted to and reviewed by Network Operations/Dean of TGS Viable ideas/requests presented and discussed for consensus at committee meeting Work scheduled with Network Operations (development, testing, move to production)
2015 During 2015, this committee will also be used to disseminate information and education concerning the transition to the LionPATH system, particularly in relation to the changes in the graduate application data and processing. Admissions live is August 15, 2015 for Fall 2016.
Current: Things to do now GRADS: Clean up of Program-Specific Questions GPMS links and people
GRADS Wish List Wish List items collected since 2013 Some have been added to GRADS. Some will be part of new GRADS. Current list to be reviewed later this year Please submit additions via GRADS “Request Help” tab.
Security for LionPATH Graduate School ASR’s (Hyeyon Bastian and Lori Cottrill) will be working with your ASR’s. Current = department or college LionPATH = program or certificate Updated form for new requests Using current access to determine new access
Application – GRADS – LionPATH Overview, Expected Timeline, and Training
Timing for Admissions (Release 1) System Interface Testing – April 20 to May 1, 2015 User Testing 1 – June 1 to June 12, 2015 User Testing 2 – June 29 to July 10, 2015 Live – August 15, 2015
Training for Admissions (Release 1) Program staff and faculty will work exclusively in GRADS. GRADS training will be available in recorded training videos from within GRADS. Timing is self-determined, August 2015 forward. Admission center staff training provided separately.
LionPATH Differences FA16 Breakpoint Certificates and Degrees the same Separate Databases Fields: GPA for each applicable institution Deferrals only good for current semester plus three
Thank you