Dr. Matthew Caputo Department of Mathematics University of Houston Office: PGH 207 Email: Caputo@math.uh.edu Email: mgcaputo@uh.edu Website: http://math.uh.edu/~caputo
Who am I? This is my 18th year as a mathematics teacher. This experience included the high school level and the college level. I have taught all levels of mathematics from Algebra 1 through College Senior Seminar. I have been recognized for having the most improved student scores among 11th grade students (2015) and have been included in the Stanford Who’s Who of North American Educators. I have received honors from Worldwide Association of Notable Alumni and from Who’s Who in North American Educators. I have been selected by the College Board to grade the AP Calculus Exam for 6 years.
I obtained my PhD from Columbia University in Mathematics Education, with a dissertation involving a comparison of teaching styles in the Calculus Classroom (Including Traditional versus Hybrid Environments). Link to Dissertation I recently have had an article published through the Journal of Urban Mathematics Education on the benefits of reading and writing as part of a mathematics curriculum. Link to Article Additionally, I have had two novels published, entitled The Queen and the Monster, and A Finger and a Foot