Click on: Activate Your Account
To verify your identity enter: your last name and your social security number (twice) To create your account enter: your username – we suggest using first.last to match your Navajo County login name. Create and enter a password between 5-25 characters, enter twice. Click Continue
Once the Account Created message is displayed, select: Click to login
Enter the username and password that you created
This is the home page. From here you can navigate to find all of the following: Accrual Information, Benefits, Contacts, Deductions, Direct Deposit, Paychecks (history of printable pay stubs), Pay Rate, Personal Information, Position Information, and Taxes (withholding information).
By selecting Paychecks, you can view and print paystubs By selecting Paychecks, you can view and print paystubs. Please select the year and pay period dates. By selecting File>Print from the Menu Bar you can print out copies of pay stubs.