Postwar (WWI) America The start of the 1920’s Tensions and Intolerance Labor Unrest, Social Unrest and Fear of the Reds Postwar (WWI) America The start of the 1920’s
I. Post WWI America War Changed America Demobilization No work for soldiers 4 mil No plan Workers losing jobs Farm prices down Inflation + low wages = depression America in discontent a.
II. Strikes, Strikes, Strikes!!! Labor Unrest all over the place 1919 -4 million strike Demand higher pay better conditions Boston Police Strike (1919) The Steel Strike (1919) The Coal Strike (1919) By 1920 strikes subsided Strikes = REVOLUTION??
III. Fear of Foreigners Strikes = plot to topple Capitalism Immigrants = Communist Threat New Immigrants were targets of hysteria
IV. The Red Scare Fear of Conspiracy A. Mitchell Palmer Rounded up Soviet immigrants Called Palmer Raids ACLU formed to help jailed people Jane Adams and Upton Sinclair
V. ANTI-aliens “Who’s country is this anyway?” Intolerance Aliens = Anarchists = Hysteria Red Scare faded /hostility lingered symptom of tension in socitey unsettled by war and demobilization. Immigrants became victims of hate
VI. Sacco and Vanzetti Example of Red Scare Hatred 4-20 Robbery/Murder S & V charged with crime Know anarchists and anti-palmer Bunk trial = guilty verdict Death sentence.
VII. Racial Discrimination Great Migration brought 70k black to cities. First fired after war Discrimination and prejudice lead to protests and Riots Marcus Garvey- Back to Africa Movement Movement collapsed but left imprint on black society The “New Negro” = growing spirit of consciousness and pride
VIII. KKK Resurgence Rampant Intolerance KKK were “Nativists” Hated blacks, Jews, Catholics and Foreigners 1921 & 1924 Nativists pressured congress to pass Immigration Quota Acts. No Russians, Italians or Slavs
IX. Religious Intolerance William Jennings Bryan -movement to outlaw teaching of evolution. John Scopes- arrested for teaching Theory of Evolution ACLU- defends Scopes Clarence Darrow defends Scopes convicted Scopes Monkey Trial
X. Politics in 1920’s Rapid social changes bring turmoil and intolerance Turbulent times Americans wanted a return of “Normalcy” =hands off approach to dealing with the times Harding, Coolidge, Hoover- the Republican Era