Psychology in the New Zealand Secondary School *
You teach Psychology!? “Wish they’d had that when I was at school.” Quote – most common phrase at dinner parties when you say you teach Psychology
Who teaches Psychology? 30 schools in NZ & growing each year. Either Cambridge, IB or NCEA. New Achievement Standards developed Popular topics with students Biggest Science studied by females at Uni “ Teacher training establishments seeing an increase in trainees keen to teach this subject” Source: Waikato Uni Ed, Ucol Hugely popular subject in other international education systems* *It was the fourth most popular A Level subject in the UK in 2014 with 54,818 entries, behind Maths 88,816, English 85,336 It was the third most popular subject in VCE in Australia in 2014 with 16,854 entries, behind English 43,017 and Further Maths 30,848. Note that it is compulsory to take some English papers to gain VCE. Around 239,000 students took the Advanced Placement psychology exam in the U.S. in 2013. Considering that just fewer than 4,000 students took the AP psychology exam in 1992 (the first year the exam was given), this demonstrates an astonishing growth in the popularity of the subject. In 2013, AP psychology ranked as the sixth largest exam volume out of34 AP subject exams.
Why teach Psychology? Develops a critical open-mindedness Builds capabilities for living and lifelong learning; Has strong links to all of the Key Competences in the NZC. Has the ability to engage and motivate a wide range of students, where class discussions based on personal experiences are able to be directly linked to a vast empirical and theoretical base. Not ‘self helpy’
Why cont’d Has popular acceptance and vocational usefulness in the wider society ie; it is both an academic pathway to higher study and useful addition to vocational pathways training Is a highly relevant and interesting entry point into an analytical science Programmes are inexpensive to operate and maintain. Provides opportunities for links with other subjects- standards can be integrated into project based learning or other subject areas* *For instance, standards can be integrated in a ‘Humanities’ course made up of standards from a number of different subjects. Some standards could be included in other subject areas, such as Health, Science or Statistics. Standards may also be used in student led project based learning or Thematic programmes.
Latest developments-leaps and bounds NZAPT in its 19th year (website and resource sharing) Level 1 and 2 Achievement Standards (and associated assessment resource material) are written and being trialed in schools this term (Draft standards are available online) To be published in November. Ready for use in 2017 Level 3 to follow in 2018 Teaching and Learning guidelines have been re-written and to be updated on TKI in time for 2017
How to implement? Educational pathway example - either begin at Year 11 or Year 12 to follow on from Social Studies or Science… NZ textbooks available st/isbn/9780170241960/division=secondary Easy & inexpensive to set up – Enquire about up to date resources on a HD for approx $200 from NZAPT website Active Assoc. with website and resources to support teachers