Public Speaking
Why is Public Speaking Important? When will I ever use it? Workplace Interviewing for a job in front of a panel (or scholarship) Speaking out to your department Sharing ideas to coworkers Training new employees Trying to pitch your idea or product to potential investors or clients Life Speaking up in PTA or City Hall Meetings Giving a speech at a wedding/funeral/or other life event Defending yourself in court Being interviewed on the news or by reporters
Quick Write: Describe what people should remember to do when public speaking or delivering a presentation.
Posture Do: Walk Confidently to Stage Stand Tall Use movements or gestures that add meaning to speech and are purposeful Have good eye contact with audience
Posture Don’t: Slouch Hide behind note cards or face PowerPoint Fidget, dance, or move in a nervous way that distracts the audience
Voice Quality Do: Speak Loud enough for audience to hear Speak Clearly Vary the volume from higher to lower* Vary the speed from slower to faster* Pause* *These techniques help emphasize key ideas
Voice Quality Don’t: Speak too softly Rush through speech Mumble Avoid “filler” words Um Like You know So Okay
Visual Aids Use visual Aids that: Make message more clear Make message more Memorable Make message more entertaining
Visual Aids Do Not: Use too many words Use video’s and images that only “kind of” relate Use charts, graphs or quotes that you do not understand Rely on your visual aids to do the presentation for you
Most Importantly… Never say “I’m Sorry” or “I messed up” No one will probably notice if you skip something, or you forgot an example, they didn’t write your speech Fake it till you make it. If you mess up, just keep going and act confident.
The Consequences of Bad Speaking