Atheism and nonreligious beliefs Jessika and Helen From the secular alliance at IU
What is atheism? That’s it! “The belief that there is no god” “Disbelief in the existence of a supreme being or beings” That’s it!
Major leaders A little different than religious leaders…
Major Leaders Where are the women?
major Leaders Organizations
Important events A brief history… Current… The term “atheism” originated in the 16th century – the idea is as old as theism itself Middle ages were a time of persecution for outspoken atheists French Revolution of 1889 leading to 19th century movements of rationalism and freethought Current… Much attention in the last decade Groups like SAIU
Practicing population the world Most religious Least religious The Philippines – 83.6% Chile – 79.4% Israel – 65.6% Poland – 62% United States – 60.6% Japan – 4.3% East Germany – 7.8% Sweden – 10.2% Czech Republic – 11.1% Denmark – 13%
Nonreligious people in the united states One in five Americans has no religion In the past five years, “nonreligious” has grown by 25% “Nonreligious” does not necessarily mean “atheist”
Demographics within atheism Lots of old, white men Increasing diversity… African Americans for Humanism Women in Secularism Hispanic American Freethinkers Students Groups like the Secular Alliance at IU are cropping up a colleges all over the US!
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