A day in the life of an Atheist BY: Ava Pearson and Zak Christie
MORNING We eat our breakfast, brush our teeth and then go to school.
AFTERNOON AND EVENING When we get back from school we have a snack then chill out. After that we eat dinner with our family. Then we get on our onesies and hang out with our families in the living room. Lastly, we go to bed and read.
Celebrations We celebrate Christmas. We don’t think of it as the birthday of Jesus but as mid-winter and a time to see our family, open presents and eat nice food. We also celebrate Easter but not to celebrate the death and resurrection of Jesus but as the coming of spring and to find chocolate eggs around the house and garden.
Beliefs We do not believe in any gods and do not have a religion but respect others and enjoy learning about the many religions in the world.
Thank you Thanks for watching our slide show about atheists. Any questions.