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10. Thomas Jefferson 9. Alexander the Great 8. Aristotle 7. Adolph Hitler 6. George Washington 5. Abraham Lincoln 4. Mohammed 3. William Shakespeare 2. Napoleon 1. Jesus Christ
In the person of Jesus, God physically entered into the world He created. The infinite God came into the finite world. The one who knew exactly how things were supposed to be came to a place where things obviously weren’t. Jesus was fully God and fully man in one person. And that one person changed history forever.
Jesus – Fully Man Jesus was fully and completely human. He was conceived in the womb of Mary by the miraculous work of the Holy Spirit. Matthew 1:18 Jesus was, without a doubt, born from a human mother. His ordinary human birth affirms His humanity.
Jesus – Fully Man Just as we have a human body, so did Jesus. Luke 2:40 - As a child, He grew and became strong Luke 2:52 - He increased in wisdom and stature. John 4:6 - He became wearied from a journey. Matthew 4:2 - He was hungry after a fast. John 19:28 - He was thirsty while on the cross. Even after He rose from the dead, He still maintained a physical human body. Luke 24:39
Jesus – Fully Man Jesus also had a mind like ours. He went through a learning process like other children do. Luke 2:52 - He increased in wisdom In His human nature, He did not know the day He would return to earth. Mark 13:32
Jesus – Fully Man Jesus also felt the full range of emotions like we do: Matthew 8:10 - Jesus marveled. - Jesus wept. John 11:35 - Jesus had loud cries and tears. Hebrews 5:7 His soul was very sorrowful, even to death. Matthew 26:38 Jesus was like us in every aspect, except one: He was without sin. John 15:10 2 Corinthians 5:21 1 Peter 2:22
Jesus – Fully Man Jesus had to be fully human to serve as our perfectly obedient representative. Romans 5:19 If Jesus wasn’t fully human, His obedience in our place would be meaningless. Just as Jesus had to be human to live in our place, He also had to be human to die in our place. Hebrews 2:17
Jesus – Fully God The Bible states very clearly that Jesus is fully God Colossians 2:9 Luke 2:11 At different times during His life on earth, Jesus eluded to His deity. John 8:57-58 / Exodus 3:14 Revelation 22:13 / Revelation 1:8
Jesus – Fully God Isaiah affirms Jesus as the King who reigns forever: Isaiah 9:7 Philippians 2:9-11 Jesus was fully God. Colossians 1:19 If Jesus wasn’t fully God, He could not have born the full penalty of sin for the whole world. If Jesus wasn’t a sinless man, there would be no valid payment for anyone’s sins.
Jesus – Fully God and Fully Man Jesus was fully God. Jesus was fully Man. This is the most amazing miracle of the entire Bible – the eternal Son of God, fully God, became fully man, and in doing so, joined Himself to a human nature. Jesus, a man unlike anyone else the world will ever see again, by eternally bringing together both the infinite and finite, changed the course of history forever.
Do All Roads Lead to Heaven? Several denominations teach that there are other ways to heaven. What does Scripture say? John 14:6 Acts 4:12 Romans 10:13-15
YES! Do All Roads Lead to Heaven? But what about the atheist who believes this? Can we debunk this heresy without scripture? YES!
Do All Roads Lead to Heaven? What do Islam, Judaism and Christianity say about Jesus? Islam: Jesus was a prophet (Surah 3:45-50) Judaism: Jesus was a false prophet. That is why they crucified Him. Christianity: Jesus is fully God. There is no other way to heaven. Acts 4:12, Romans 10:8-9, John 14:6
Do All Roads Lead to Heaven? Only one of these views can be correct. Whichever religion is correct will be exclusive. Therefore, all roads do not lead to heaven.
Memory Verse Philippians 2:9-11: “God has highly exalted Him and be- stowed upon Him the name that is above every name, so that at the name of Jesus, every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.”