Solar Probe Plus – FIELDS Verification Instrument mini-PER (V5) Keith Goetz University of Minnesota
Requirements Verification Verify Instrument Requirements per IRD Verify Performance Requirements per FIELDS IRD (SPF_SYS_010) Meet/Verify Quality Requirements per QA Matrix (7434-9096) Verify Contamination Requirements per CCP (7434-9011) Verify Environmental Requirements per ERTRD (7434-9039) Verify EMC Requirements per EMECP (7434-9040) Verify Spacecraft Interface Requirements per GI ICD (7434-9066) Verify Spacecraft Interface Requirements per FIELDS ICD (7434-9055) Verify SWEAP Interface Requirements per FIELDS-SWEAP ICD (SPF_MEP_105) Approach described in FIELDS Verification and Validation Plan (baselined: SPF_CDRL_TE-001-01 V&V Plan) Approach described in detail in FIELDS Test and Calibration Plan (baselined: SPF_CDRL_TE-001-02 T&C Plan)
V5 Requirements Verification ID Title Acceptance Criteria Who When What Artifact Rationale Complete (Mark 1) V5PA - V5 Electric Sensor Preamplifier V5PA-01 Mission Length K. Goetz review J. Fischer review D. Seitz V5PA as-built documentation: V5PA Schematic V5PA Stress Analysis V5PA BOM SPF_PRE_V5_FM_SCH_REVA_20160819.pdf SPF_PRE_V5_FM_PSA_20160429.xlsx SPF_PRE_V5_FM_BOM_REVA_20160812.pdf Stress Analysis insures that components ratings cover the V5PA Thermal Environment; Radiation Specification and/or testing insures that the parts survive the expected mission total dose. 1 V5PA-02 Provide Medium Frequency Amplifier V5PA Board-Level Tests SPF_PRE_V5_FM_SN002_FVT.txt V5PA MF Analog Performance is verified by a) testing at board-level tests. V5PA-03 Function Throughout Perihelion V5PA Board-Level Tests (0.25 AU subsection) V5PA Science < .25 AU Performance is verified by a) testing at board-level tests. V5PA-04 Function Throughout Solar Storms V5PA Board-Level Tests (Solar Storm subsection) V5PA Solar Storm Performance is verified by a) testing at board-level tests. V5PA-05 Accept Loss of Power P. Harvey MEP CPT Voltage Drop Out tests V5PA-06 Accept Momentum Dumps Momentum Dump Simulations V5PA-07 Matrix J. Fischer review Board-level documentation will show compliance with the QA matrix. V5PA-08 Environmental V5 Vibration V5 TV Environmental test sequence will prove vibration and thermal qualifications. V5PA-09 Spacecraft EMC Compliance FIELDS EMC V5 is part of the FIELDS system. Wiring between V5 and MEP is part of the EMC testing. V5PA-10 Contamination V5PA BOM Post-cost inspection SPF_PRE_V5_FM_SCH_REVA_20160819.pdf SPF_PRE_V5_FM_PSA_20160429.xlsx SPF_PRE_V5_FM_BOM_REVA_20160812.pdf APL_MIP2_SPF_PREAMP_V5_SN02.pdf SPF PREAMP FM1 (V5) SN02.pdf Parts and Materials Review Board visual cleanliness post conformal-coat.
V5 Sensor Requirements Verification ID Title Acceptance Criteria Who When What Artifact Rationale Complete (Mark 1) V5 - Electric Field Sensor Assembly V5-01 Mission Length - Shielding K. Goetz review J. Fischer review D. Glaser V5 Assembly SPF-V5-MEC-112RD V5 Housing Cover.PDF SPF-V5-MEC-110RC V5 Housing.PDF SPF-V5-MEC-110_CoC_&_Material_&_Cert_Inspection_Report.pdf SPF-V5-MEC-112_CoC_&_Material_&_Cert_Inspection_Report.pdf SPF-V5-MEC-V5 Wall Thickness Verification.docx Preamp box walls can be measured during assembly. 1 V5-02 Spacecraft Interface Compliance (General) SPF-ANT-ICD-004R05 V5 Antenna MICD.PDF V5 Assembly will verify Spacecraft Interface Compliance (General) V5-03 Spacecraft Interface Compliance (FIELDS) V5 Assembly will verify Spacecraft Interface Compliance (FIELDS) V5-04 PA Accomodation SPF-ANT-PRC-016RB V5 Assy Procedure.pdf SPF_PA_V5_FM_ASSY_REV002_ACI-signed.pdf V5 Assembly will verify PA Accomodation V5-05 Sensor Electrical Connections D. Seitz SPF_PRE_V5_FM_SN002_FVT_results.docx V5 Assembly will verify Sensor Electrical Connections V5-06 Sensor Capacitance V5 Assembly will verify Sensor Capacitance V5-07 Function Throughout Perihelion V5 Electrical Test Max temperature tests V5-08 Function Throughout Solar Storms Max voltage tests V5-09 Accept Loss of Power P. Harvey FIELDS CPT Voltage Drop Out tests V5-10 Accept Momentum Dumps Momentum Dump Simulations V5-11 Matrix J. Fischer review V5 As-Built Documents SPP-SMA-024B_v28_MPL_MIL_PAML_2016_10_21.xlsx SPF_PRE_V5_FM_BOM_REVA_20160812_AsKitted.xlsx As-Built documents will show compliance to the QA Matrix V5-12 Environmental V5 Vibration V5 TV Environmental test sequence will prove vibration and thermal qualifications. V5-13 Spacecraft EMC Compliance FIELDS EMC V5 is part of the FIELDS Instrument V5-14 Contamination V5 BOM Pre-Delivery visual inspection SPP-SMA-024B_v28_MPL_MIL_PAML_2016_10_21.xlsx SPF_PRE_V5_FM_BOM_REVA_20160812_AsKitted.xlsx APL_MIP2_SPF_PREAMP_V5_SN02.pdf Parts and Materials Review Antenna visual cleanliness pre-delivery V5-15 Coordinate System Spacecraft I&T Coordinates and alignment verified during test deployment (MAG BOOM) on the spacecraft.
V5 Requirements Verification In addition to L4 instrument requirements (above) requirements flow from mission documents FIELDS ICD GI ICD EMECP EDTRD QA Matrix Tracked at higher levels of assembly
Instrument I&T Plans Philosophy Tests on ETU and then Flight Units Requirements are verified as early as possible at a low level Verifies subsystems, Retires risk Requirements are verified at the highest level of assembly possible Often involves verifying a requirement at several levels Maintain flexibility in test sequencing to maintain schedule Tests on ETU and then Flight Units Subset of tests on ETU to qualify the design where practical and possible Some complete – some continue to 1 March 2015 Full tests on Flight units Typical Test Levels: Subassembly (circuit board): functional Component (e.g. V1, MAG, SCM, MEP, V5): functional, mass properties, vibration, TV, deployments, magnetics Instrument: functional, comprehensive, calibration, interface, EMC, TV
Environmental Test Matrix
Planned FM I&T Flow
Validation All instrument requirements are captured in IRD IRD contains columns detailing how and where the requirement is met IRD doubles as verification cross reference matrix Systems Engineer is responsible for verifying test procedures meet requirements and responsible for verifying that all requirements are met by following test plan