Smart room office Usability testing 1/14 Štěpán Koutek ( Vojtěch Brom ( 1/14 16. 12. 2005 Smart room office - Usability testing
Project description What is Smart room? New interaction techniques Tracking methods Smart message delivering Goals Usability of new interaction techniques Acceptance of Smart room concept PDA 2/14
Test setup Smart room does not exist PDA Smart room does not exist Three distribution chanels for interaction Talking head and Big screen - voice control PC, PDA – standard control (mouse, keyboard) The system interface – graphical menu Different message types Mapping of the message depends on message type Automatic device switching 3/14
Test setup – mapping model - preview
Test setup – mapping model sample detail 5/14
Test setup - menu 6/14
Test setup - menu 6/14
Test setup - device representation Talking head – speaker + recorded messages Big screen – digital projector PC – PC + VNC (remote control) PDA – PDA connected to notebook (atm. control) 7/14
Test setup - layout 8/14 Observer room Participant room testers PDA moderator 8/14
Task list Typical tasks Four groups of tasks First three groups to receive differenet types of messages to switch betewen devices Four groups of tasks First three groups each for one device for each participant in different order Fourth - combination of all devices participant use devices according to his decision 9/14
Obtaining results Observing participants during the test The post-test questionaire Interview with participants after the test Analysing of the video record 10/14
Results of the test We have tested five participants The participants have split to two groups with different opinions Goup 1 Against new interaction methods They would like to use only PC Group 2 For new interaction methods They like using voice control They would like bigger set of voice commands Possibility of control all devices by voice Possibility of turn off message reading 11/14
Results of the test – cont. Group 2 cont. For new interaction methods The usability of PDA is not so comfortable PDA is good in cases when they need to be mobile – not for interaction in office Offer device to switch instead of automatic switching All participants prefere simply clear text oriented interface – no virtual human face etc. is needed Comlete report of the test is available on 12/14
Video 13/14
Thank you for your attention. 14/14