Introducing Journals@Ovid at Semmelweis University OvidSP Flexible. Innovative. Precise. Budapest 10th March 2009 Say: Let me introduce Journals@Ovid within OvidSP Introducing Journals@Ovid at Semmelweis University
Introducing Journals@Ovid Accessing Journals@Ovid Opening the journals database directly Your Journals@Ovid (may be relabelled) Journals@Ovid Full-Text (may be relabelled) Linking from a database… Later we will be looking at how you may create links which take you into a journal, using Open URL syntax – a jumpstart But first, accessing Journals@Ovid... Say: You have the greatest possible access into Ovid Journals, you can open and search the journals directly, you can link to them from database references (from inside Ovid or from other vendors products) or you may browse the journals.
Access Say: To access Journals@Ovid and your other OvidSP resources you may login, or access via links or Jumpstarts. IP addresses or other network characteristics can be used to identify valid users.
Linking into Journals@Ovid – Jumpstarts and OpenURL Allows you to link into Journals@Ovid from other locations OpenURL / LinkSolver Allows you to use Journals@Ovid with other vendor’s products, Journals@Ovid can be linked into other results displays or accessed in other ways (requires administrator settings) Say: here are examples of using jumpstarts to take you into a journal, you can also jumpstart into OvidSP and link to search results or journal articles (using an OpenURL link).
Database Selection Browsing Access Searching Access Linking Access ▼ Say: Here is access to the subscribed full-text journals and books and database(s). Access to browsing, searching and (from databases) linking into J@O. Linking Access ▼
Main Search Page in Journals@Ovid (Basic Search) Say: Here is the main search page, This is Basic Search where we can easily type in a whole topic or question and receive a relevance ranked list of results.
Main Search Page in Journals@Ovid (Ovid Advanced) Say: Here is the main search page, this time for the Advanced Search, since we are using a full-text resource notice that all the author’s words are being searched – including every word of the full-text.
Other Searching Modes Say: Find Citation allows you to find a specific reference. Search Fields allows you to search any field within J@O, all the fields may be searched alone or in combination. No index browsing is available from Search Fields, because Your Journals@Ovid is a content band (an automatic limit is added to each search within a larger database). Multifield Search allows you to build searches across many fields and easily create combinations with AND, OR or NOT operators.
Basic Search Example Say: Here is a basic search example, results are relevance ranked by the NLP processes that are part of OvidSP. Note Search Aid on the left which shows the selected subjects from the question and the related terms which have been added by the lexicon.
Advanced Ovid Search Example Say: This is advanced searching within Journals@Ovid, the results are not relevance ranked but ordered with the most recently added at the top of the page. Links on the right of any titles display allow you to move to the full-text or other views.
Complete Reference Say: here we can view all the bibliographic details of a reference, often including the references section.
Linking within Ovid Within any Ovid database, when you subscribe to an Ovid journal, links are automatically inserted to your journals (eg from a database) Links will appear not just in citations, but also in the references and bibliographies of databases, journals and books (where available) Say: Ovid Full Text links are automatically inserted into all Ovid databases, and in other areas where references are offered in journals and in books.
Searching within Journals@Ovid Searching for other fields within Journals… Searching “important words” Author keywords, Outline headings and Title fields Searching Caption Text The words used to describe graphical content – graphs, tables, charts, pictures Searching Byline Text The institutional affiliation of the author(s) Say: all the fields within J@O are completely searchable, including these useful choices, note that you may also limit to journal articles with graphics.
Browsing Journals@Ovid Browsing by Journal Name… browse alphabetically and choose Issue List Browsing by Subject… browse by preset subject (journals may fall into several categories) Say: as well as being able to search or link to journals, you can also browse. This is where you can see a list of the journals which are available to you, either displayed alphabetically or by subject. The Issue list screen is frequently used as a target for jumpstarts.
Print/Email/Save – Results Manager Output reference information (for bibliography) Select Titles Select Fields Select Format Ovid to print/email, Direct Export for reference management, e.g. Reference Manager, Endnote, RefWorks, Procite, etc. Select Action to Print/Email/Save (or export) Say: if you wish to transfer information from Journals@Ovid to reference management or to output bibliographic information, use results manager.
Full Text Access: From Browsing Say: Following the Ovid Full Text link takes you into the HTML version of the journal article, access to other formats is via a link on the right (for PDF or other vendor versions).
Full Text Access: From Results Say: Following the Ovid Full Text link takes you into the HTML version of the journal article, access to other formats is via a link on the right (for PDF or other vendor versions).
For more information… Under Products and Services / Content / Journals information can be found for each individual publication, including the Impact Factor Say: for more information
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