Elite/U23 Duathlon Briefing Friday, August 18, 2017, 10:00am
Briefing agenda Welcome and Introductions Competition Jury Schedules and Timetables Check-in and Procedures The Course Post-Race Procedures Weather Forecast
Welcome and Introductions Loreen Barnett – ITU 1st Vice President Eric Angstadt Torres - ITU Team Leader Thanos Nikopoulos (GRE), ITU Multisport TD David Markham, ITU Technical Delegate Dr. Doug Hiller (USA), ITU Medical Delegate Ross Capill (NZL) - ITU Race Referee Ulf Schuetze (CAN) – ITU Race Referee Michael Brown - LOC Executive Director Sue Ernsting – Race Director {comment – to be deleted: Insert the names of the officials that are attending the briefing and delete the rest}
Competition Jury David Markham, Chair Loreen Barnet, ITU Paul Huyer, Host NF {comment – to be deleted: Insert the names of the Competition Jury Members, add two more member for World Championship}
Schedule and Timelines Friday, August 18 After Briefing Race pack pick-up 17:00 Parade of Nations 18:00 Pasta Party 19:00 Opening Ceremony {Include info regarding race schedule, race package distribution, check in procedure, start times and ceremonies – if something is not applicable, please delete from the actual presentation}
Schedule and Timelines Saturday, August 19 9:45–10:45 Elite/U23 Women Lounge Open and Check-In 10:15–11:00 Elite/U23 Women Transition Area open 11:15 Elite/U23 Women Duathlon WCs Start 12:30–13:30 Elite/U23 Men Lounge Open and Check-In 13:00-13:45 Elite/U23 Men Transition Area open 14:00 Elite/U23 Men Duathlon WCs Start 19:00 Medal ceremony / Gyro Park When arriving the course is operational. Keep off the field of play.
Check-in procedures The Athletes Lounge is in this room – Salon A. Stay off the course using controlled crossing points and bring all gear here to have checked The bike check will take place just outside Salon A before athletes come in? Racks will be provided indoors. Take all your gear from the Athletes Lounge and drop at the Bag Drop Tent in Gyro Park. Salon A will not be open after races start. {if not applicable – please delete this slide}
Check-in procedures Athletes Lounge Bike check: handlebars, wheels and spare wheels (non authorized UCI wheels rule) Helmet – stickers, cracks, strap snug Uniform check (name, country, logos, ITU logo, zippers) – photos taken of each uniform. Wearing other uniform during the race = DSQ! Body marking check (both arms, both legs) Timing chip distribution
Check-in procedures Transition Area Helmet check- Don’t leave your helmet fastened in the transition The athlete who misses to comply with this rule will receive a time penalty of 10 seconds in TA1. Running Shoes outside the box, helmet on the bike Drop spare wheels at the Team Wheel-Stop located past the mount line. To add any equipment to the bike, you must obtain approval from the Race Referee up until 10 minutes after the end of the Athletes‘ Briefing.
Pre-start Procedure Athlete Introduction: 10 minutes before start, line-up in Transition Jog to the start line after your name is called Select your position and stay behind the line!
Start Procedure Athletes in position: The start can be given any time after the TD announces ”On your mark” Air horn blast The race starts
False Start Procedures Several horn blasts Everyone goes back to her/his spot
The Course Run 1 4 Laps of 2.5 km = 10 km Bike
Run course 1 4 laps / counter-clockwise Flat / On pavement along Lakeshore Dr. Run through transition on each lap. Aid stations: 2 per lap For locations see the map Bottled water Discard cups off course in discard zone.
Run Course 1 / Transition 1 Finish
Transition 1 Traditional Bike Racks – one row Running shoes in front of the box, helmet on the bike Mount line at the end of the TA
Bike course 5 laps = 40.5 km / Clockwise – keep left Ride through transition after each lap Total elevation gain of 700m 1 Wheel Stations Team - drop labelled wheels just past mount line. Neutral – can be accessed twice on each lap. Lap Counter at transition No aid station Lapped athletes are out of the race
Team Wheel Stop Neutral Wheel Stop Bike Course Map
Final Bike Lap Finish Watch for runners and bikers simultaneously Dismount before corner
Caution Caution signal: three sharp whistles and red flags
Run 2 2 laps = 2.5km Aid stations: Video Finish Two per lap For locations see the map Controlled water & sport drink served in cups Discard cups off course in discard zone. Video Finish Avoid Congestion in finish area: Go to mixed zone / recovery area
1st Runner, Last Bike Scenario Transition 2 / Run 2 1st Runner, Last Bike Scenario
Run Penalty Box The penalty box is for infringements in: TA1, bike and TA2 e.g.: Mount before mount line, dismount after dismount line, discharge or store your equipment outside your designated area, rack the bike outside your own space etc (Transition will be videotaped for infringements) Location: Prior to Finish Line Chute Information: White board to show race numbers (Athletes need to read the board – coaches are advised to check and inform their athletes) Procedure: 15 second time penalty must be served before finish. If you don’t stop DSQ
Post-race Procedures Anti-Doping Control Medical Photo ID is needed for every athlete to have ready for Doping Control Medical Only accredited team medical allowed in this area when an athlete from their team is being attended to. Every NF can have 1 team medical upgade pass, but only for team doctors!
Coaches areas Coaches Accreditation All coaches must have accreditation to enter the venue. Coaches can access location beside the Penalty Box and Recovery
Weather forecast
Good Luck!