Top 10 Signs Your Presidential Candidate is Under-Qualified
10 He promises to improve foreign relations with Hawaii
9 He runs a series of attack ads against President Frank Underwood from House of Cards
8 Her #1 choice for a position on his cabinet is “That Taylor Swift girl”
7 His outstanding record as Governor of Rhode Island is nullified by the fact that no one really cares.
6 He got his degree in Political Economics by bribing Chris Christie with a chocolate donut.
5 When anybody mentions Washington, she asks, “The state or the DC thingie?”
4 At the debates she answers every question with a snarled, “You wanna wrestle?”
3 He vows to put an end to the war in Pokemon and free the Pikachu refugees once and for all.
2 He says the Pledge of Allegiance as quickly as possible, then shouts, “I win!”
And the Number 1 Sign Your Presidential Candidate is Under-Qualified
1 On the very first questions of the debate, he attempts to use a LIFELINE.
Introduction to The Presidency
Formal Qualifications Natural Born Citizen At least 35 years old Resident of the US for 14 years Take an oath of office Obama Oath of Office A 2011 Congressional Research Service report stated The weight of legal and historical authority indicates that the term "natural born" citizen would mean a person who is entitled to U.S. citizenship "by birth" or "at birth", either by being born "in" the United States and under its jurisdiction, even those born to alien parents; by being born abroad to U.S. citizen-parents; or by being born in other situations meeting legal requirements for U.S. citizenship "at birth". Such term, however, would not include a person who was not a U.S. citizen by birth or at birth, and who was thus born an "alien" required to go through the legal process of "naturalization" to become a U.S. citizen.[1]
Benefits $400, 000 per year salary General account ($50,000) Official expenses of the White House office Entertainment expenses Separate entertainment expenses for official presidential functions Traveling expenses for the president and anyone traveling with him White House Retirement
Presidential Limo
Current Air Force One
Air Force One of the Future
Constitutionality Article II State of the Union Elastic Clause January 12, 2016 Recommend measures that are judged “necessary and expedient” Elastic Clause Commander in Chief Start 6th and 7th period 2016 Fall