Hannelore Hammerle NA2 F2F meeting, Manchester 8 May 2007 NA2 in EGEE-III Hannelore Hammerle NA2 F2F meeting, Manchester 8 May 2007 EGEE and gLite are registered trademarks
EGEE-III Timeline Currently: series of PMB meetings on the programme of work proposed by PEB Tasks & estimated manpower Mapping to partners in June/July Financial details and admin over the summer Proposal submission in September Evaluation October Negotiations start before Christmas Seamless transition EGEE-II EGEE-III EGI Design proposal submitted last week Planned start: End of this year NA2 face-to-face, Manchester, May 2007
NA2 in EGEE-III Organisational changes NA2 Main tasks Move to “Competence clusters” for key tasks Less regional representation Rely on local press offices and technology transfer offices Business relations in new activity NA6 NA2 Main tasks Management & Local representation Web Materials and Publications Media and Public relations Marketing to Scientists, Users Events NA2 face-to-face, Manchester, May 2007
NA2 tasks in EGEE-III Task 1: Management, Admin & Coordination General oversight, paperwork, administration, reporting, metrics General mgmt should be close to PO; coordination with local press offices/partners in the regions 120 (general management + 3 FTEs coordination) Task 2: Web Public website, technical pages oversight, sites for other groups (UIG etc) One person with technical skills, one with more design skills 24 PMs @ one site assuming public website can be outsorced Task 3: Materials and Publications Including info sheets, flyers, brochures, newsletters, iSGTW, papers, printing & distribution 72PMs @ one site (should be the same as task 2) Task 4: Media and Public relations Forging relationships with publications and journalists, ensuring coverage of EGEE events and activities. Ensuring EGEE can explain itself to very general audiences. 48PMs @ one site NA2 face-to-face, Manchester, May 2007
NA2 tasks in EGEE-III cont. Task 5: Marketing to Scientists and Users Attending user and scientific events, visiting these groups on their own ground to find their needs and expectations. Using full commercial marketing techniques to achieve this. 48PMs @ one site (could be the same as task 4) Task 6: Events (should be combined with Task 5) Assuming that the EGEE main conference is outsourced. Staff to organise User Forum and liase with conference organisation. 72PMs @ one site Task 7: Regional effort Making local contacts, tailoring content to local area, some very limited translation of key material e.g. press releases. Effort including in Task 1 but we may need some funding for translations and potential interns. Total: 408 PMs (was 532 PMs in EGEE-II) 400000 Euros materials budget Translation and intern money NA2 face-to-face, Manchester, May 2007
Your input Lead one of the tasks Do regional representation for your federation Check possibilities for maintaining local website NA2 face-to-face, Manchester, May 2007