Keathley Canyon PREP 2016 FSE UPDATE Mike Drieu, APC and Mike Sams, USCG Southeast Louisiana Area Committee Meeting
Topics FSE Scenario Meeting Schedule FSE Locations Area of Operations and Discharge Location FSE Agenda Controller & Evaluators – Needs Simulation Cell – Needs
Potential Exercise Scenario The Drillship NOBLE BOB DOUGLAS was conducting drilling operations in Keathley Canyon when they lost power. Workers activated the Emergency Disconnect (EDS); however, due to the extreme conditions, the Lower Marine Riser Preventer (LMRP) malfunctioned and prevented the blow out preventer (BOP) from severing the drill string. Due to the force of the currents, the drill string parted; however, it was above the BOP. A Remote Operating Vehicle (ROV) discovered a steady flow of mud was emanating from the BOP and increasing rapidly. Also, approximately 40’ of 8- 1/4” drill collar (DC) and 6-5/8” heavy weight drill pipe (HWDP) sticking out of the BOP and bent over to the mud line.
Keathley Canyon PREP 2017 FSE Meeting Schedule Dates Event Jun 29-30, 2016 Concept & Objectives (C&O) / Initial Planning Meeting (IPM) Sep 27-28, 2016 Master Scenario Events List (MSEL) Development Meeting Oct 24, 2016 KC 919 Well Blowout Annual GOM Drill Oct 25-27, 2016 Midterm Planning Meeting (MPM) Feb 1-2, 2017 Final Planning Meeting (FPM) Feb 15, 2017 Equipment Deployment Exercise Mar 7-9, 2017 Full-Scale Exercise (FSE) Mar 10, 2017 Controller / Evaluation Debrief May 15-18, 2017 International Oil Spill Conference
Equipment Deployment 15 February 2017 Three locations Two CGA equipment deployment – SE LA Committee GRPs One MSRC equipment deployment off Marsh Island One APC rep on each vessels One CG/State of LA/ SE Louisiana Committee rep invited on each vessel
Exercise Locations Source Control Branch Incident Command Post Anadarko Petroleum Corporation Incident Command Post BP Houma Operations Learning Center Exercise will be advanced to Day 3
Area of Operations and Discharge Location WCD: 206,000 bopd 252 MM scf/d API Gravity: 33 Oil Type: South Louisiana Light Crude Oil GOR: 1331MM scf/STB
Time Event Attendees Location Monday, March 6 8:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. UCP Set-up. Communication Test. EST3 BP HOLC Tuesday, March 7 8:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. Controller / Evaluator Training. Controllers / Evaluators TBD Just-In-Time Training (PIAT, etc). Open to all Participants? 1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. Player Orientation: Welcome & Overview Response Organization IAP Process, Resource Ordering Process / Forms Location (TRG) COP brief (Zach) Expectations, Assumptions, Exercise Rules & SIMCELL Operations brief – Handover All Participants 4:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. Assemble in ICP with your sections to receive additional information. All locations Wednesday, March 8 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Full-Scale Exercise (FSE) Thursday, March 9 8:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. FSE (Continue): Complete Planning “P” Process Produce IAP Conduct Ops brief Working Lunch 1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. Exercise Hotwash Demobilization Friday, March 10 8:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. C/E Debrief Meeting After Action Report / Lessons Learned Draft Session EPT, Controller, Evaluators
Controllers and Evaluators Section/Unit Role Comments Number Needed Name Command - JIC C/E PIAT 1 USCG Command / Command Staff C Ralph Mitchell, BP E Logistics/Finance Joy Slaback, BP Stan Aucoin, APC Operations Mike Baccigalopi, BP Ops - Containment - 8th Floor ALR C/E/S Houston Mike Cargol, Trendsetter Ops - Flow Engineering - 11th Floor ALR with Containment Alistair Gill, WWC Ops - Flow Back - 8th Floor ALR Ops - Relief Well - 8th ADD Energy, TBD Ops - SIMOPS - 12th MEXUSGULF LCDR Roxanne Jensen, USCG Planning Planning - Environmental Unit Steve Lehmann – NOAA Melissa Simpson, BP Drew Cheney, EST 3 USCG
Simulation Cell (SimCell) Section/Unit Number Needed Name Fed Rep / State (CBP, NMFS, NOAA) 1 Marine Spill Response Corporation (MSRC) Jack Childers, MSRC Clean Gulf Associates (CGA) James Hanzalik, CGA Marine Well Containment Company (MWCC) Larry Barnwell, MWCC MEXUSGULF LCDR Roxanne Jensen, USCG Source Control Mike Cargol, Trendsetter Noble Bob Douglas Brett Blackman, Noble (Player) Overall SimCell Manager Nora Gomez, EST3 USCG PIAT - Media / External comms Same as PIAT USCG Anadarko Petroleum Corporation (APC) Steve Kastensmidt, PC SimCell - USCG Air, Black-hulled, Strike Team