Christmas Love Luke 1:62-80
Secret to Joy It matters who or what you magnify!! (46-47) My soul doth magnify_______(?)
Craziest Thing Done for LOVE These things were done with the intent of getting love back in return to get some response from the one that was loved…..
Craziest Thing Done for LOVE (64)-John – “Yahweh is gracious” (68)- Lord God of Israel has visited and redeemed…….
Craziest Thing Done for LOVE Why did He visit? Show us a different way of life Redeem- Pay the ultimate price
Our response to this craziness… Serve Him Without fear- 1 John 4:4 In holiness and righteousness Before Him
Call to Action He has visited To give light to the path Bring shalom- peace Have you made the Lord, your Lord