Intro to 3D Graphics.


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Presentation transcript:

Intro to 3D Graphics

Revisiting the Display Pipeline Object space World space Camera space Image space Screen space

Homogeneous Coordinates 3D Vectors use a 4th, homogeneous coordinate Usually 1, if not, divide through (4,3,2,1) = (8,6,4,2) All transformations kept in the form of 4x4 matrices. This keeps the matrices invertible, and all transforms are matrix multiplications.

Building Polygon Matrices New problem in 3D: Which side of the polygon is the front? Relative order of vertices in matrix matters Vertices should appear in counter-clockwise order for right handed systems and clockwise order for left handed systems Now normal vector will denote the “front”

Analogous Transformation Matrices The do-everything transform matrix: a b c p Top 9- rotations d e f q p,q,r – perspective g I j r h,k,l - translation h k l s s – overall scaling

Scaling a 0 0 0 0 e 0 0 0 0 j 0 0 0 0 1 a in x-dir e in y-dir 0 0 0 1 a in x-dir e in y-dir j in z-dir Negative values reflect

Translation 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 h k l 1 shift h in x-dir 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 h k l 1 shift h in x-dir k in y-dir l in z-dir

Rotations 1 0 0 0 0 cosӨ sinӨ 0 0 -sinӨ cosӨ 0 0 0 0 1 cosӨ sinӨ 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 cosӨ sinӨ 0 0 -sinӨ cosӨ 0 0 0 0 1 cosӨ sinӨ 0 0 -sinӨ cosӨ 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 About x About z

Rotations cosӨ 0 -sinӨ 0 0 1 0 0 sin Ө 0 cos Ө 0 0 0 0 1 About y-axis 0 1 0 0 sin Ө 0 cos Ө 0 0 0 0 1 About y-axis Note changes in sines! Necessary for preserving handed-ness

Overall Scaling Scale factor is last coordinate in last row s < 1 expands, s >1 contracts Must “divide through” by s to get last coordinate 1.

Camera/Observer/Eye Camera position (3D point) Need perspective of viewer View direction Up vector View direction: COI: Center of interest View direction is COI – Eye position

Field of View Camera position View Direction & Orientation Near clipping distance Far clipping distance Define: View Frustum: 6-sided volume of world space displayable (truncated pyramid)

View Frustum

Remember Your Trig SOH CAH TOA Sin = Opposite / Hypotenuse Cos = Adjacent / Hypotenuse Tan = Opposite / Adjacent Hyp Opp Ө Adj

Image Transformation Right-handed system Our camera at (-10,0,0) looking down z-axis. Need to calculate view frustum and project it onto the view window Change (x,y,z) camera coordinates to (x’,y’) image coordinates

Calculating view distance Pick an angle for viewing (90 degrees) d = (w/2) / tan(Ө/2) w/2 tangent of 45 degrees = 1 d = w/2, or camera size in unity! d Ө

Calculating x’ Use similar triangle ratios: d is to x’ as t is to x: x’ = dx/t y’ = dy/t t x d x’

Calculating x’ Use similar triangle ratios: d is to x’ as z is to x: x’ = dx/z y’ = dy/z z x d x’ Can approximate by dividing everything by z value.

Perspective Transforms are not Affine! Vanishing points

Types of Rendering Rendering = Drawing & filling in polygons Ray Tracing: Models rays of light Reverse: Eyes to World Expensive Movies (Ice Age) Polygon Modeling All Shapes are modeled as polygons Rounded shapes require more polygons

Polygon Rendering Triangles (sometimes deal with strips) Vertices – often exist on multiple triangles Each triangle needs a normal Unit vector Points “out” perpendicular to triangle

Solid Shapes Is it just adding more polygons? Must be careful the order in which the polygons are drawn – or the back will cover the front Most efficient: don’t draw polygons that aren’t visible, then… Order the visible polygons correctly.

Back-face Culling Reduce the number of polygons drawn by about half Need the normal to the polygon Normal: vector perpendicular to the polygon, facing the same direction as the polygon Polygon is “facing the camera” if the angle between the camera and the normal is less than 90 degrees

Computing Normals Cross Product U x V = (UyVz – UzVy, UzVx – UxVz, UxVy – UyVx) The vector perpendicular to U and V

Calculating normals Right-handed: define “front” as counter-clockwise ordering of vertices. U = v2-v1 V = v0-v1 Normal = UxV 1 2

Angle between two vectors Dot product: U·V = UxVx + UyVy + UzVz U·V =|U||V|cosӨ All we care about is whether or not Ө<90: if U·V<0, then Ө > 90 if U·V=0, Ө = 90 if U·V>0, Ө < 90

Does it face camera? U = camera - v0 V = Normal Polygon faces camera if U·V >= 0 1 2

Tackling Roundoff More accurate polygon drawing: Scan Converter Draw horizontal lines to draw a polygon Problem: don’t want polygons to overlap, so round down on the right side of the polygon

Horizontal Scanner Scan object: tells me the left and right x values to draw for all y values in range for the polygon. For each edge Find the highest and lowest y values For each intermediate y, Find the x point of the intersection Keep up with the leftmost and rightmost x for this y value over all edges At the end, you have the leftmost and rightmost x values for each y – then draw horizontal lines

Finding that intersection You have 2 vertices (x1,y1) and (x2,y2) The equation of the edge is: y-y1 = m(x-x1) (y-y1)/m+x1 = x So, x = x1 + (y-y1)/m where m is (y2-y1)/(x2-x1)

Finally,… For each y, draw a line from left to right Gives you the filled in polygon with little round-off error

3D Clipping What about polygons partially in the frustum? First, clip to a plane: Polygon is behind plane, ignore it. Problem: Compute the line segment where the polygon intersects the clipping plane. This becomes a new edge and only vertices in front of the pane are kept.

Hidden-surface Removal So far: Back-face culling Clipping Doesn’t work for overlapping polygons

More Hidden-Surface Removal How do you know which objects are in front of others? Simple ordering Inefficient Doesn’t always work Use Z-Buffer Collection of depth values with pixel color

Hidden surface removal Painter’s Algorithm: Draw things back to front Reverse Painter’s Algorithm: Draw things front to back, but don’t draw over a pixel already drawn Problem: Which point on polygon determines its depth?

Z-Buffering Or depth-buffering Store depth of each pixel Start with all pixels = inf. Only overwrite if depth is less than current


Final Pipeline To Draw a polygon: Check to see if it’s facing the camera Apply transforms Project onto the view window Scan-convert it Draw the horizontal lines Use Z-Buffering to determine final pixel-by-pixel coloring

Polygon Rendering Texture: Picture to paste on the triangles Shader: Program that determines coloring of triangles Material: Rendering description including shaders, textures, and lots more Mesh: Collection of triangles, vertices, and material to render it with Render Object: Set of meshes defining an object, sometimes uses a skeleton

Types of Shaders Wireframe – Edges only Flat – Triangle is single color Gouraud – Interpolate color between vertices Phong – takes more lighting models into account (interpolates normals between vertices) Texture Map – paste picture on triangle Environment mapping – cube map of environment is put on object to fake shininess