VME Pixel ROD Setup in UW Pixel Lab B050 Jimin Kim Department of Physics University of Washington
Table of Contents Introduction: Pixel DAQ System Setup of VME Pixel ROD Future Plans
Introduction DAQ System: Data Acquisition System General Pixel DAQ Architecture Modules (FEI3 or FEI4) ROD (Readout Driver) ROS (Readout System) ToT calculation/Event building Handles Data Transfer/Processing Data Receives Data with custom designed interface
USBPix Readout System Hardware Software Adapter Card Multi I-O Board Ethernet Cable Power Cable Flat Ribbon Cable Software STControl (Windows) TDAQ/IBLDAQ (SLC5)
VME Pixel ROD Hardware Software VME Crate Power Supply (Wiener) SBC (Concurrent Technologies) ROD 1 and ROD 2 Software TDAQ 4_00_01 IBLDAQ 0_0_0 Identical DAQ System that is being used at LHC Supports way more FE modules
VME Pixel ROD Architecture FE Modules eBOC ROD Pixlab05 SBC TDAQ/IBLDAQ
Single Board Computer (VP-CP1/P3X)
Read Out Drivers ROD Revision E 2003 ROD Revision B 2001
Unboxing VME Crate VME Crate and Power Supply
Mounting the Crate/Power Supply Mounting the RODs and SBC After Mounting VME and Power Supply
Connect Power Cables Unplug powers of the boards Measured voltage/ compare with user manual
Initial Booting of SBC Also connected Keyboard and Mouse
B050 VME Pixel Rod Setup
Installation of SLC5/i686 Installation of SLC5 i686 Configure users and passwords
Establish Second Local Network Establish Second Local Network between Pixlab 05 Single Board Computer Ethernet Port Pixlab 05 File Sharing/ Network Booting Second Network Card Single Board Computer
Establish Network Booting Shares files with SBC with Pixlab 05 (configure files to be nfs - shared) Installation of DHCP, NFS, and TFTP in a directory Installation of DHCP and NFS Configure DHCPd and Exports Setup SBC directory DHCP Server – Provides SBC the downloadable booting image NFS – Network File Sharing Configure DHCPd and Exports – Configure the netboot user (SBC), and IP addresses to be given Setup SBC directory – Create file directories that are going to be shared with SBC in Pixlab 05 Edit client – Edit some information regarding fstab (file system table = system configuration file) and network Compile the Kernels – Download and compile the kernels that are necessaey for network booting Create image – Use mkelf-linux or mknbi-linux to package the kernel and create a downloadable network image (Netboot.nbi) Edit Client Configuration Compile the Kernels Create Netboot Image
Troubleshooting SBC Sleeping Issue SBC not being able to execute image file Sleeping Issue – Resolved by disabling firewall Not executing image file – Resolved by using specific version of mknbi-linux image packaging software sent by Paolo
Successful Network Booting of SBC SBC login screen X-windows in SBC
Software Installation TDAQ/IBLDAQ Installation (Currently in progress) TDAQ 4-00-01/RCE Controller Software (complete) IBLDAQ 0-0-0 Installing based on SLC5/i686 TDAQ development team crashed the file system Resolving the inconsistency between SLC6 and SLC5
Future plans Complete installation of TDAQ/IBLDAQ Receive eBOC to establish communication between FEI3/MCC module to our ROD Installing right version of firmware to ROD Receive IBLROD and establish communication between FEI4/MCC module to IBLROD Testing or ROD Firmware?