How To Use the Med List Tool (MLT) 1. From Actions click Med List Tool (see next page if not on your Actions menu) 2. From the summary screen, click Edit to open the Med List Tool to make edits and/or “Save to Pt. Summary” Right column is “SCRATCH PAD” with VUMC list of medications EDITABLE If nurse collected/updated the Patient’s medication list earlier within the encounter, edits will be highlighted for provider to review, enter additional edits and/or Save to Patient Summary. Edit Left column pulls previous VUMC medication list from Patient Summary (from clinic visit, last hospitalization, etc.) NON EDITABLE Delete 3. Click “Save to Pt. Summary” when all edits are completed Add a medication
If the Med List Tool is not displayed in your Actions menu: Change to the MD Actions menu OR Customize your Actions menu to add the Med List Tool Change to the MDs Action Menu. It will have the most frequently used provider action items, including Med List Tool. Customize if the Med List Tool is not on your action menu: Step 1: Click Customize Step 2: Scroll to find Med List Tool in list of menu items (it will be grayed out) then click to activate (text will be blue) Step 3: Click Install new Actions button. Med List Tool will now be in your Actions menu!