L.O.: To locate and name countries and their capital cities in the United Kingdom. Thinking questions: What continent do we live in? What country do we live in? What city/town do we live in? https://www.google.com/maps/d/viewer?mid=1v9haEwP2adIvHDKTPVD7WoG-9zE&hl=en_US&ll=24.487841299999985%2C54.372665600000005&z=5
Globe search: Who can locate Britain on a world map?
TTYP: Estimate how many km from Abu Dhabi to London. Over 7,000km! What does capital city mean? What is the capital city of the UAE?
What is the capital city of the following countries…
Northern Ireland
Main task: Green: Label a blank map with a key that contains the answers on the worksheet. Yellow/Blue: Label a blank map, and write a simple sentence to say what is on the map. E.g. ‘London is the capital city of England.’ Red: Label a blank map and gather extra information (Population/Main Industry/Climate) about one or two capital cities. Write sentences based on what they have found (not directly from the Atlas!)
Plenary: Share three facts you’ve learned about capital cities in this lesson with your partner!