Higher physical education Section 2 The Scenario
Monday’s Intentions If given an unfamiliar activity, try and spend a few moments working out the kind of performer/athlete they are. For example, are they an individual or team performer? How long does their performance/match last? What sort of training would they do? DON’T WORRY ABOUT THE ACTIVITY ITSELF, BUT SPEND THE TIME TRYING TO WORK OUT THE MAIN CHARACTERISTICS OF THAT PARTICULAR PERFORMER.
Think back to the Prelim Question… ‘The picture shows two ladies performing in a synchronised 10m platform diving event.’ Analyse which factors would impact on their performance. You must refer to the SOCIAL factor and one other from mental, emotional or physical. (8) For each of these two factors, explain what you would consider when planning a performance development programme for these individuals. (8)
Could you answer all TEN questions on these two synchronised divers? 1. Is the athlete an individual or team performer? 2. How often will this performer/team compete? 3. What are they trying to do throughout their competitive performances? 4. Who are they up against? 5. Do they perform at the same time as the opposition or one after the other? 6. Does what the opposition do, have an immediate impact on how this performer/team performs? 7. What sort of training will they do? 8. With all this in mind what sub-factors will be most important to them? Why? 9. What development strategies would be most appropriate for them to use? 10. How could they collect data on their performance or on the sub-factor you chose in (8)?
Part (a). Analyse which factors would impact their performance. You have 8 Marks available in this question – how are you going to guarantee gaining full marks? Explain how TWO social sub-factors and TWO physical/mental/emotional sub-factors impact their performance. This works out to potentially be TWO marks per sub-factor – suddenly seems easier???
Go back to basics… When explaining HOW each of these four sub-factors would impact their performance, follow this simple pattern: 1. Name the factor and relative sub-factor. One social sub-factor that would impact the two divers performance would be communication.
Keep going with the basics… 2. Define your chosen sub-factor. Communication is the ability to share information with others using a variety of verbal and non-verbal methods. 3. Give your opinion of HOW this sub-factor would impact their performance. When used correctly and at the right time, communication would help the two divers to start their dive at the same time, helping them to be more synchronised in the dive.
A couple more stages… 4. Support this statement with an example. For example, when the divers are on the board and ready to perform, one of the divers would countdown from three and on “One”, they would both know to begin the run-up towards the end of the board. 5. Explain HOW/WHY this would help their performance. By communicating with one another they are sharing information. At this particular point the ‘lead’ diver is sharing information about the timing of their dive. In doing so, both divers know exactly when to begin their dive and subsequently help them to perform the whole dive more effectively. This will mean that they will gain more marks from the judges for being more synchronised and make it more difficult for their opponents to beat them.
Complete the FIVE stages for POWER. 1. Name the factor and relative sub-factor. 2. Define your chosen sub-factor. 3. Give your opinion of HOW this sub-factor would impact their performance. 4. Support this statement with an example. 5. Explain HOW/WHY this would help their performance.
Part (b). For each of these two factors, explain what you would consider when planning a PDP for these individuals. (8) Again, you have 8 Marks available in this question – how are you going to guarantee gaining full marks? Explain FOUR different considerations you would need to take into account and WHY these would be important when planning a PDP. This works out to potentially be TWO marks per consideration – suddenly seems easier???
Best way to approach this answer…??? Follow the basic pattern below when explaining each of your four considerations. 1. Specify what you would need to consider. When planning a PDP for these two divers I would need to consider their current training commitments.
Next Two Steps… 2. Provide a definition of this consideration. Current training commitments refers to what the divers are already required to do each and every week in relation to their diving. This might include pool sessions and strength and conditioning sessions for example. 3. Give your opinion of WHY this would need to be considered. I would consider their current training commitments when planning a PDP in order to avoid them over-training.
Last Two Steps… 4. Give an example of HOW this could happen. For example, I would want to avoid adding in extra sessions on days where they already have either long or intense training sessions. I would, for example, avoid putting in a plyometric session on a day where they already have a pool session and a strength and conditioning session. This would also include making sure there was sufficient rest periods in between sessions and competitions. For example, I would try to ensure there was a rest day after each day of competition.
Last Two Steps Continued… 5. Explain what this would prevent from happening and/or what this would allow the divers to do. By avoiding too many sessions in the week and particularly on the same day, this would avoid injuries happening as frequently. By allowing the divers time in between sessions, this gives the muscles a chance to recover before working again. This will also help the divers to ensure that each session is completed as fully as possible, ensuring more progress throughout the PDP. By having rest days after each competition, the divers have a chance to evaluate their performance before starting another week of training. This will help them to adapt their training intentions that week if the evaluation requires them to. This will also give them time to have any injuries treated properly to ensure they do not become worse through training.
Complete the FIVE stages for one of the following considerations… Time till next competition Injury Facilities/Equipment/Resources available Most appropriate development strategies Variety Motivation Specificity – what is needing developed? Monitoring training – when, how? Feedback – what type, when? Goals – what, when?