This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. Choose a greeting by clicking on the image! Let me grow Greetings
Guten Morgen bom dia dzień dobry Maidin mhaith Добро утро buenos días good morning günaydın Buon giorno Back to greetings
Gute Nacht boa noite dobranoc Oíche mhaith ? buenas noches good night iyi geceler buona notte Back to greetings
Hallo olá cześć Dia dhuit! ? hola hello merhaba Ciao Back to greetings
Tschüss adeus do widzenia Slán Довиждане adiós Good bye güle Arrivederci Back to greetings
Bitte por favor proszę Má's é do thoil é Моля por favor please lütfen per favore Back to greetings
Danke obrigado/obrigada dziękuję Go raibh maith agat Благодаря gracias thank you teşekkürler grazie Back to greetings