Language This font and colour that we see in the title is synonymous with Taxi’s, especially in New York. This instantly enables the reader to make connotations of America, New York and being in a taxi. This font and colour that we see in the title is synonymous with Taxi’s, especially in New York. This instantly enables the reader to make connotations of America, New York and being in a taxi.
Language Here, we see an Extreme Close Up of the eyes of the character. This could suggest to the audience an element of fear and victimisation. A sentir of mystery is also evoked because the audience do not know if this is the antagonist or protagonist.
Language Here, we see Robert De Niro’s name; this is just the second piece of text the audience see and it’s also placed before the title of the film. Because he is an A-List actor, he’ll bring his own audience to the film.
Language This POV shot shows the miserable weather outside of the car. This pathetic fallacy could reflect the mood among the characters in the film. In antithesis, the plethora of colour presents a more amiable setting to the audience – this shows a stark dichotomy to what the rain portrays.
Language There is a clear contrast between the two colours we see on screen. There are several connotations we can make with both colours; for instance we can associate it with blood. With black, we often make negative inferences because it is associated with darkness and death. These connotations that the audience make set the tone of the film at an early stage.