Principles of Training Specificity Training should be based on the specific demands/needs of the sport/event. The better one can understand these demands/needs, the more likely one can develop a suitable training program. Neuromuscular Recruitment Patterns Cardiorespiratory Function Thermoregulation Muscle Energy Metabolism Muscle Hypertrophy TRAINING SPECIFICITY Neuroendocrine Responses Body Composition Musculoskeletal Integrity
The Elements of Endurance Training Defined as long-term low intensity exercise or interval exercise and higher intensities that produces a change in one or more physiological variables It is possible to exercise without training as the stimulus for change may not be adequate-more later Common observations: in Max VO2 SV at both submax and max VO2 = cardiac output HR at rest (?) an during submaximal exercise no change in maximal HR
Effects of Training on the CV System Using the Fick Equation- VO2 = HR x SV x A-V O2 When exercising under conditions of Maximal Exercise- that is, at an intensity that produces Max VO2 Training the value for Max VO2- Why? NO change in Max HR-age dependent
How does SV volume increase? a. Increased blood volume NO change in Max A-V O2 Without a change in Max HR or A-V O2, the only remaining option to explain Max VO2 is that endurance training increases the stroke volume. HR SV A-V O2 VO2 = same + increase + same How does SV volume increase? a. Increased blood volume b. Increase strength of contraction of the heart, the contractility Consequently, cardiac output is greater and this is what causes an increase in Max VO2
For the same body size and weight, endurance-trained athletes have significantly higher cardiac outputs than untrained subjects both at maximal and submaximal workloads
Using the Fick Equation- VO2 = HR x SV x A-V O2 When exercising under conditions of below Maximal Exercise- that is, at an intensity that does not cause the subject to reach Max VO2 Training does not change the value for VO2 or A-V O2 but HR is lower is lower at the same intensity Using the Fick Equation- VO2 = HR x SV x A-V O2 How can HR be lower when VO2 is unchanged? Training increases stroke volume so the heart pumps more blood but less often
What are the limits of a subject to increase cardiac output and Max VO2? Since Max VO2 appears to be limited by the maximal cardiac output there would seem to be an upper limit on how much blood could pumped. Size of the heart chambers The strength of cardiac contractions The volume of blood returned to the heart
What are the “rules” for endurance training? Any activity that elevates HR for an extended period of time- no one activity is better than another The focus must be on three variables intensity, frequency, and duration-progressive overload Which one is most important?
The Importance of Intensity 5 days/wk 4 days/wk 2 days/wk % Increase in Max VO2 Relative Training Intensity
The Importance of Frequency/Duration 5 days/wk 4 days/wk 2 days/wk Increase in Max VO2 2 6 12 Duration of Training (weeks)
If Intensity Is So Critical, How Can We Evaluate It?
Maintenance of a 3d/week Program 2 days/wk 1 days/wk 0 days/wk Max VO2 2 4 6 8 10 Weeks of Maintenance
The Effects of Detraining % decrease w/ detraining Weeks of detraining
What we have discussed here is training for a specific purpose, an increase in Max VO2. Basic Rule of Training: The method one uses to train is dependent on the desired outcome -”training specificity”. Training one specific goal should be not misunderstood with training for general health and fitness (although there is some overlap). “fitness” is a less-focused but more complex phenomenon that includes not only the concept of max VO2, but also body weight, fat mass, flexibility, and strength.