Warm-up What would King Henry VIII do that was uncommon at the time? List 3 things.
Wars on Religion
French Civil War Protestants (Huguenots) face off against a strong Catholic Monarchy About 50 percent of nobility was protestant (this is seen as a threat) Civil War breaks out in France over religion Protestants want a weak monarchy
St. Bartholomew’s Massacre 1572 3000 Protestants murdered in Paris About 20,000 killed throughout France in the coming days Shows protestants that Catholics will stop at nothing to keep France Catholic
Edict of Nantes 1598 Protestants win the Civil War Edict allows for Catholicism to be official religion, but creates religious tolerance and freedom for protestants.
30 years war 1618-1648 Bloodiest War in Europe until 1800s Broken into 4 phases Begins with Catholic Ferdinand II becoming King of Protestant Bohemia Protestants will revolt Edict of Restitution- makes Protestantism illegal and Catholic lands/goods that have been acquired have to be returned to Catholics Involved every major country expect England Protestants win
Peace of Westphalia Officially ends all religious conflict in Europe and Holy Roman Empire Holy Roman Empire divided into small unified kingdoms France, Netherlands, and Switzerland will gain international statues as world powers
Conflict in England James I: Believed in Divine right of Kings(DRK): king gets his power from God and only answers to him. Charles I: son of James believed in DRK, does not get along with parliament Tries to influence Church of England with more rituals, turning it more Catholic. Puritans will leave during this time Scotland rebels, but parliament refuses to help with war leads to a Civil War in England
English Civil War Parliament v. The King Cavaliers- supported the king Roundheads- supported parliament, and less power of the king. Led by Oliver Cromwell Oliver Cromwell win and creates a Military Dictatorship
Glorious Revolution After Cromwell’s death a king was restored Charles II- king after Cromwell’s death, but still limited Parliament In 1689, Parliament invites William of Orange to invade with their support William wins and creates Bill of Rights for the people William and Mary Joint rulers from the Netherlands Allows parliament to make laws and levy taxes
Absolutism in France System in which a ruler holds total power. Louis XIV- became king at about 5 known as the “Sun King” Cardinal Mazarin- controlled the throne Louis was young At 23 Louis XIV took control, (longest reigning Monarch in European history 72 years)
Government and Religion in France Versailles- location where Louis XIV held his government. Killed Huguenot (French Protestants) France will become most powerful nation in Europe French Culture will thrive, French replaces Latin French population will become largest in Europe 20%
Activity Create an 8 box story map of the Rise of Protestantism. Good place to start would be the invention of the Printing Press