The Canonicity of the Bible Lesson 1.6 The Canonicity of the Bible
How do we know what should be in the Bible and what shouldn’t? How come Apostle Peter gets two of his letters in the Bible, but my story doesn’t get anything? So not fair!
Canon A measuring stick, ruler, or standard
Canonicity The right or proof that a particular book has the right to be included in the Bible or not
What signs can tell us that? How do we know if something is God-breathed?
Quotations from God Himself “You shall not bow down to them or worship them; for I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God, punishing the children for the sin of the parents to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me, but showing love to a thousand generations of those who love me and keep my commandments.” Exodus 20:5-6 God’s word…literally 50% of Exodus and 90% of Leviticus, direct quotations from YHWH himself. “Thus says the Lord” appears over 400 times Jesus is God in human form so all words spoken by Jesus are the words of God as well.
Ugh, no. There’s nothing like that. Are there any quotes from God in Twilight? Any words claimed to be God’s words, at least? Ugh, no. There’s nothing like that.
How about these books?
Who do you trust to write a book that is going to guide your life and tell you what to do? Why do you trust them? Authority
Authority We trust the people who spent time with God, were chosen by God for specific missions, and were known in the community of believers Apostles Prophets Priests Kings (or commissioned by them)
Authority How do we know these people are trustworthy chosen people from God? Affirmation of others… Apostle Paul references Peter in his letters. Peter also references Paul in one of his letters Polycarp, an early church leader, says that he knew Apostle John We find affirmation of their theology and their character in various places
Content Does the information and material in these books match the rest of the Bible? Does it sound consistent with God’s character and actions?
Content Does the information and material in these books match the rest of the Bible? Does it sound consistent with God’s character and actions?
Historical accuracy Is there any historical evidence or archaeological findings that support the claims and facts the book makes?
Historical accuracy Pool of Siloam Nehemiah 3:15 and John 9:7 Is there any historical evidence or archaeological findings that support the claims and facts the book makes?
Experience and influence Millions of people have testified over centuries that they have had personal encounters with the power of Scripture You can testify too!
Signs to help us discern if something is God-Breathed and Scripture worthy: Authority Content Historical Accuracy Experience and Influence