Show me the Imagery! Poetry is fun because it paints a picture in your imagination. This painting process is known as implementing imagery. This exercise is designed to bring you out of your box and into the world of images. Follow the directions below to complete the activity. Read the poem “I Was Sleeping Where the Black Oaks Move.” Re-read the poem looking for images created by the author. Pick 4-6 images that are sequentially related (they follow one after another through time). Once you have chosen 4-6 sequentially related images, open Make Beliefs Comix Web 2.0 tool : You will re-create the images of the poem by using icons (images) from the Make Beliefs Comix that represent the same images as in the poem. A complete comic strip should give the reader a sense of progression through time from one moment to the next. -Each comic strip must contain six frames. (at least) -The images should transition logically from the first frame through the sixth frame. The comic strip maker only holds up to four panels, so you will have to snip the completed panels into a word document before starting your other panels. You may want to do three at a time. -To use the snipping tool, simply open the Snipping Tool from Start Menu “All Programs” on desktop. Click on New>> Select Rectangular Snip. Drag Cursor around area you wish to capture. The image will appear in Snipping Tool window. Go to Edit and then Copy. Open up a Word Document and paste it in. Once you have completed the required panels and pasted them into the Word document, you will write one paragraph that explains both the transitions and images you incorporated from the poem into the comic strip. It should be clear which images you chose (use the evidence from the text to support your choices) and how they are transitioning from one point in time to the next. This task uses: Common Core/NG Standard(s): RL.7.1 - Cite several pieces of textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text. TEACHER NOTES: Teacher’s name/email: Jonathan Thomas/ School: Molo Middle Grade Level/Subject: 7 ELA Task Card Level: 3 Special Directions/Considerations: Activity Evaluation: Rubric Prerequisites for students: Text being used (from the High School ELA Guidebook):