Instruction to find notes: MCPSS Our Schools Middle Causey Website News and Events School Staff Chapman Forms Civics 2 Notes Download Contact Info: tchapman@mcpss.cpm
C 7-1
C 7 - 1 Enter room, and take assigned seat quietly C 7 - 1 Enter room, and take assigned seat quietly. Put your name, date, and period on the top right-hand side of a piece of paper. Do NOT write in red. At the end of the period, turn your paper into Tray #1 as you exit the room. Write a fact from each story on CNN.
C 7 - 1 Enter room, and take assigned seat quietly C 7 - 1 Enter room, and take assigned seat quietly. Put your name, date, and period on the top right-hand side of a piece of paper. Do NOT write in red. At the end of the period, turn your paper into Tray #1 as you exit the room. Write a fact from each story on CNN.
Judicial Branch created by Article III of the Constitution Judicial Branch created by Article III of the Constitution. Equal justice in all states.
Judiciary Act of 1789 establish, the federal district and circuit courts
Federal Courts created so that people would receive equal justice in all states
Levels of courts in the federal court system District Courts, Appeals Courts, U.S. Supreme Court at the top level.
Federal Courts hear Criminal and Civil Cases
13 Circuit Courts in the United States
Jurisdiction Limited by Constitution to prevent them from interfering with state courts, Federal Courts have jurisdiction in case disputes between two states
Supreme Court chooses cases that have constitutional implications that may affect many people.
Cases involving two states or American company and a foreign government the Supreme Courts have original jurisdiction
Concurrent Jurisdiction situation in which both state and federal courts have authority to hear a case
Original Jurisdiction authority to hear cases for the first time
Exclusive Jurisdiction only federal courts may hear and decide cases Example: dispute between an American company and a foreign government
U.S. Supreme Court have appellate jurisdiction and original jurisdiction
Congressional Legislation can limit the power of the Supreme Court
Chapter 7 Section 1 Independent Practice Write answers in complete sentences. If you do not copy last question, you will receive a zero.
1.Describe the Judiciary-Act-of-1789. 219
2. How many circuit courts are in the United States? 219
3. What created the judicial branch? 219
4. Name two kinds of cases that courts hear. 218
5. Which court has jurisdiction in case disputes between two-states
6. What types of cases does the Supreme Court usually chooses? 221
7. Describe Original Jurisdiction. 222
8. Describe the three levels of courts in the federal court system. 222
C 7 – 1 Answer Key 1. established federal district courts and circuit courts of appeals 2. 13 3. Article-III of the Constitution 4. criminal and civil 5. Federal courts 6. constitutional-implications that may affect many people 7. authority to hear cases for the first time 8. district courts, appeals courts, Supreme-Court at the top level
C 7 - 2 Enter room, and take assigned seat quietly C 7 - 2 Enter room, and take assigned seat quietly. Put your name, date, and period on the top right-hand side of a piece of paper. Do NOT write in red. At the end of the period, turn your paper into Tray #1 as you exit the room. Write a fact from each story on CNN.
C 7 - 2 Enter room, and take assigned seat quietly C 7 - 2 Enter room, and take assigned seat quietly. Put your name, date, and period on the top right-hand side of a piece of paper. Do NOT write in red. At the end of the period, turn your paper into Tray #1 as you exit the room. Write a fact from each story on CNN.
Judges enforce the rules, they do not make the rules.
District Court in the federal system has responsibility for determining the facts of a case, trials held and lawsuits begun
District Court have juries hear cases and reach verdicts
Marbury v. Madison 1803 established the U. S Marbury v. Madison 1803 established the U.S. Supreme Court’s right of Judicial Review in federal cases. Nullify laws.
Dred Scott v. Sandford 1857 overturned by the Fourteenth Amendment
Worcester v. Georgia 1832 not enforced by President Andrew Jackson Cannot enforce rullings.
Appellate Jurisdiction authority of a court to hear a case appealed from a lower court
Appeals courts reviews decisions from lower courts, they can reverse a lower court decision .
Criminal Case, if an accused person is judged innocent, neither side may appeal
Remand send a case back to a lower court to be tried again
Precedent past opinion upon which judges base their own decisions in similar cases
Supreme Court Justices opinions serves as a precedent for the lower courts, they communicate the Supreme Court’s views to the public
U.S. Supreme Court 8 Associate Justices, 1 Chief Justice
U.S. Supreme Court have appellate jurisdiction and original jurisdiction
Litigants parties to a lawsuit
Federal Court Judges are appointed by the president, given tenure so that they will not be subject to political influences
Lifetime Term protects them from public and political pressure, they can make unpopular decisions without fear of retaliation from opponents or fear of losing their jobs
U.S. Attorneys lawyers who prosecute people accused of breaking federal laws
U.S. Marshals people authorized to make arrests and take convicted people to prison
Magistrates federal judges who hear minor cases
Civics Chapter 7 Section 2 Independent Practice Write answers in complete sentences. If you do not copy last question, you will receive a zero.
1. Describe the District-Court. 223
2. Describe the significance of the Supreme Court decision in Marbury-v.-Madison. 233
3. Describe the Appeals-Courts. 224
4. In a criminal case, what occurs if an accused person is judged innocent? 224
5. What happens when a judge uses a precedent to arrive at an opinion
6. Who appoints District-Court judges? 227
7. Why are Federal Judges are given tenure? 228
8. Describe Remand. 225
Civics 7 – 2 Answer Key 1. federal system has responsibility for determining the facts of a case 2. established the U.S. Supreme Court’s right of judicial-review in federal cases 3. hear cases appealed from lower courts reviews decisions from lower courts, they can reverse a lower court decision 4. neither side may Appeal 5. rely heavily on previous opinions in similar cases 6. president 7. so they will not be subject to political influences 8. send a case back to a lower court to be tried again
C 7 - 3 Enter room, and take assigned seat quietly C 7 - 3 Enter room, and take assigned seat quietly. Put your name, date, and period on the top right-hand side of a piece of paper. Do NOT write in red. At the end of the period, turn your paper into Tray #1 as you exit the room. Write a fact from each story on CNN.
C 7 - 3 Enter room, and take assigned seat quietly C 7 - 3 Enter room, and take assigned seat quietly. Put your name, date, and period on the top right-hand side of a piece of paper. Do NOT write in red. At the end of the period, turn your paper into Tray #1 as you exit the room. Write a fact from each story on CNN.
Supreme Court justices have all been lawyers
Sandra Day O’Connor first female justice appointed to the U. S Sandra Day O’Connor first female justice appointed to the U.S. Supreme Court
Thurgood Marshall first African American appointed to the U. S Thurgood Marshall first African American appointed to the U.S. Supreme Court
Sonia Sotomayor a justice appointed by President Obama
U.S. Attorney group that prosecutes people accused of breaking federal laws
Constitutional allowed by the Constitution
Nullify to legally cancel a law or an action.
Judicial Review power to analyze any federal, state, or local law or action to see if it goes against the Constitution.
John Marshall justice who set the three principles of judicial review
Limits on Supreme Courts Powers The Supreme Court cannot enforce rulings
Congress can pass new laws or amendments that circumvent previous decisions
Supreme Court can rule only on cases it hears.
Fourteenth Amendment overturned the Supreme Court’s decision in Dred Scott v. Sanford
Civics Chapter 7 Section 3 Independent Practice Write answers in complete sentences. If you do not copy last question, you will receive a zero.
1. What job have all Supreme Court justices had? 230
2. What are the weaknesses of a Supreme Court ruling? 234
3. Define Nullify. 232
4. Who was John-Marshall? 233
5. When Congress passed the Fourteenth Amendment, what did it overturn
6. Describe U.S. Attorney. 230
7. Describe Judicial Review. 232
8. Who was Sandra Day O’Connor? 231
Civics 7 – 3 Answer Key 1. lawyers 2. cannot enforce rulings, Congress can pass new laws or amendments that circumvent previous decisions and the Supreme Court can rule only on cases it hears 3. legally cancel a law or an action 4. justice who set the three principles of judicial review 5. overturned Supreme Court’s decision in Dred-Scott-v.-Sanford 6. group that prosecutes people accused of breaking federal laws 7. power to analyze any federal, state, or local law or action to see if it goes against the Constitution 8. first female justice appointed to the U.S. Supreme Court
C 7 - 4 Enter room, and take assigned seat quietly C 7 - 4 Enter room, and take assigned seat quietly. Put your name, date, and period on the top right-hand side of a piece of paper. Do NOT write in red. At the end of the period, turn your paper into Tray #1 as you exit the room. Write a fact from each story on CNN.
C 7 - 4 Enter room, and take assigned seat quietly C 7 - 4 Enter room, and take assigned seat quietly. Put your name, date, and period on the top right-hand side of a piece of paper. Do NOT write in red. At the end of the period, turn your paper into Tray #1 as you exit the room. Write a fact from each story on CNN.
Writ of Certiorari order that directs a lower court to send its records to the Supreme Court.
Docket court calendar Brief dcument written by lawyers that explains one side’s position in a case
Brief document written by lawyers that explains one side’s position in a case
Plessy v. Ferguson reflected Americans’ approval of segregation
Brown v. Board broke with precedent in deciding the issue of segregation in schools
Worcester v. Georgia showed the limits of the Supreme Court sole authority to deal with Indian nations.
Stare Decisis guiding principle in which justices rely on precedent.
Brown v. Board of reflected the growing awareness that segregation was no longer acceptable in the United States.
Concurring Opinion statements written by a justice who agrees with the Court’s ruling but for different reasons.
Unanimous Opinion situation in which all justices vote the same way.
Majority Opinion statement that explains the ruling on a Supreme Court case.
Dissenting Opinion statement that presents the view of justices who disagree with a Supreme Court ruling.
Civics Chapter 7 Section 4 Independent Practice Write answers in complete sentences. If you do not copy last question, you will receive a zero.
1. Describe the Supreme Court’s decision in Plessy v. Ferguson. 239
2. What did the U. S. Supreme Court’s decision in Brown vs 2. What did the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision in Brown vs. Board accomplishment? 239,240 Graph
3. Describe a Docket. 237
4. Describe Stare-Decisis. 240
5. Describe a Concurring-Opinion. 241
6. Describe a Unanimous-Opinion. 241
7. Describe a Majority-Opinion. 241
8. Describe a Dissenting-Opinion. 241
Civics 7 – 4 Answer Key 1. reflected Americans’ approval of segregation 2. broke with precedent in deciding the issue of segregation in schools 3. court calendar 4. guiding principle in which justices rely on precedent 5. statements written by a justice who agrees with the Court’s ruling but for different reasons 6. situation in which all justices vote the same way 7. statement that explains the ruling on a Supreme Court case 8. statement that presents the view of justices who disagree with a Supreme Court ruling
C – 7 Illustration Enter room, and take assigned seat quietly C – 7 Illustration Enter room, and take assigned seat quietly. At the end of the period, turn your paper into Tray #1 as you exit the room. No CNN Facts
C – 7 Illustration Enter room, and take assigned seat quietly C – 7 Illustration Enter room, and take assigned seat quietly. At the end of the period, turn your paper into Tray #1 as you exit the room. No CNN Facts
Civics – 7 Illustration Illustrate a Federal District Court, include and label the key people involved in this court: Judge, Prosecutor, Defense, Jury and Witness. Illustration must cover entire page and be in color. Major Grade 215
Picture = 20 Points Entire Page = 20 Points Color = 20 Points Labels = 40 Points (at least an inch)
C 7 – Test Enter room, and take assigned seat quietly C 7 – Test Enter room, and take assigned seat quietly. Put your name, date, and period on the top right-hand side of a piece of paper. Do NOT write in red. At the end of the period, turn your test into Tray #2 and your answers in Tray #1.
Do not write on test. 1. 16. Name 2. 17. Date 3. 18. Period 4. 19. Civics 7 Test 5. 20. 6. 21. 7. 22. 8. 23. 9. 24. 10. 25. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 26. Open Ended Do not write on test.
C 7 – Video Enter room, and take assigned seat quietly C 7 – Video Enter room, and take assigned seat quietly. Put your name, date, and period on the top right-hand side of a piece of paper. Do NOT write in red. At the end of the period, turn your paper into Tray #1 as you exit the room. CNN Facts 20 Facts from Video
Federal Government: Supreme Court 32:14 Almost Painless Guide: Judicial Branch 19:01
Instruction to find notes: MCPSS Our Schools Middle Causey Website News and Events School Staff Chapman Forms Civics 2 Notes Download Contact Info: tchapman@mcpss.cpm
Civics Chapter 7 Section 1 Independent Practice Write answers in complete sentences. 1.Describe the Judiciary-Act-of-1789. 219 2. How many circuit courts are in the United States? 219 3. What created the judicial branch? 219 4. Name two kinds of cases that courts hear. 218 5. Which court has jurisdiction in case disputes between two-states? 221 6. What types of cases does the Supreme Court usually chooses? 221 7. Describe Original Jurisdiction. 222 8. Describe the three levels of courts in the federal court system. 222 Civics Chapter 7 Section 2 Independent Practice Write answers in complete sentences. 1. Describe the District-Court. 223 2. Describe the significance of the Supreme Court decision in Marbury-v.-Madison. 233 3. Describe the Appeals-Courts. 224 4. In a criminal case, what occurs if an accused person is judged innocent? 224 5. What happens when a judge uses a precedent to arrive at an opinion? 226 6. Who appoints District-Court judges? 227 7. Why are Federal Judges are given tenure? 228 8. Describe Remand. 225 Civics Chapter 7 Section 3 Independent Practice Write answers in complete sentences. 1. What job have all Supreme Court justices had? 230 2. What are the weaknesses of a Supreme Court ruling? 234 3. Define Nullify. 232 4. Who was John-Marshall? 233 5. When Congress passed the Fourteenth Amendment, what did it overturn? 234 6. Describe U.S. Attorney. 230 7. Describe Judicial Review. 232 8. Who was Sandra Day O’Connor? 231 Civics Chapter 7 Section 4 Independent Practice Write answers in complete sentences. 1. Describe the Supreme Court’s decision in Plessy v. Ferguson. 239 2. What did the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision in Brown vs. Board accomplishment? 239,240 Graph 3. Describe a Docket. 237 4. Describe Stare-Decisis. 240 5. Describe a Concurring-Opinion. 241 6. Describe a Unanimous-Opinion. 241 7. Describe a Majority-Opinion. 241 8. Describe a Dissenting-Opinion. 241 Illustration Civics - 7 Illustrate a Federal District Court, include and label the key people involved in this court: Judge, Prosecutor, Defense, Jury and Witness. Illustration must cover entire page and be in color. Major Grade Instruction to find notes: MCPSS Our Schools Middle Causey Website News and Events School Staff Chapman Forms Civics 2 Notes Download Contact Info: tchapman@mcpss.cpm