SWIMMING AND PE – MONDAY 18 SEPT FRIENDS OF ST MATTHEW’S SCHOOL Primary School Thursday 14th September, 2017 www.stmatthews.cumbria.sch.uk AFTER SCHOOL CLUBS MONDAY CRAFT CLUB - 3.15 to 4.15pm Reception, Y1 & Y2 £1 TUESDAY ARCHERY – 3.15 to 4.15pm Y6 £2 THURSDAY FILM CLUB – 3.15 to 5pm All children except Reception (as they are too tired this first half term) £1 Y6 FELL WALK Tomorrow (15th) Year 6 are going on a fell walk up Walla Crag, near Keswick. Children on school dinners will get a packed lunch, packed lunch children should bring their own as usual. Please bring a ruck sack to carry lunch. Please wear comfy layered clothes and have waterproofs and strong walking shoes/trainers. We’ll be back at school for usual finishing time. SWIMMING AND PE – MONDAY 18 SEPT Reception and 3 Y1 children will need their swimming kit. We have a professional coach coming into school to do tennis with Y1,2,3,4 and Y5 children they will all need their PE kits on MONDAY. LOST PROPERTY Jessica Wright has lost her new school cardigan age 9/10. Can parents please check to ensure it hasn’t gone to the wrong home. Thank you SMARTY BOXES Just a quick reminder to return the 20p smarty boxes that we sent out at the end of last term. Thank you FRIENDS OF ST MATTHEW’S SCHOOL A meeting is being held in school on Tuesday 3rd October at 3.30pm. NEW MEMBERS WELCOME NATURE TABLE Children in Class 1 (Reception, Y1 & Y2) are encouraged to find and bring Autumn nature resources into school for our nature table.
ST MATTHEW’S DAY CHURCH SERVICE EVERYONE WELCOME TO JOIN US HALLOWEEN DISCO The Friends of St Matthew’s School are organising a Halloween Disco in the Village Hall on Tuesday 31st October 4pm to 5.30pm. More details to follow. Raffle prizes will be welcome. SCHOOL MILK School milk costs £5 up to half term except for reception children who receive free milk. ST MATTHEW’S DAY CHURCH SERVICE On Thursday 21st September at 2pm, with members of the Mother’s Union, we are holding a service in church to celebrate St Matthew’s Day. EVERYONE WELCOME TO JOIN US Tea and biscuits in school after the service. Recipe Book Fundraiser St Matthews Dream Team has come up with an idea to create a school and community recipe book. We thought this would be a great way to share mealtime ideas with other parents and members of the community to promote healthy eating, and to encourage our children to take an active interest in cooking. We all have a family favourite when it comes to mealtimes - the dish that always has the kids scraping their plates! It might be Granny's fish pie or Dad’s fajitas... so what's yours? With childhood obesity on the increase it's more important than ever to encourage children to eat - and cook - healthily. By sharing their favourite dishes, children will be desperate to try out each other's recipes. This means more help (if you can call it that!) in the kitchen, and you never know, you might make some exciting culinary discoveries together! The Dream Team will be writing letters to deliver to members of the community and ask them for their contributions to the book. Hopefully the book will be available to buy it in time for Christmas, making it a great gift. So if you have a recipe that you would like to have included in the book please send it in to school. Thank you The Dream Team and Miss Conway
Optional alternatives are available: Please note that all menus are subject to change Menu 3 MONDAY Meat Pasties with Smiles, Beans & Veg Veggie Pasta Bake in a Cheese Sauce *** Tray Bake, Chocolate Sponge & Custard, Fruit or Yoghurt TUESDAY Sausage & Mash, Veg and Gravy Quiche or Fish and Vegetables Jelly & Ice Cream or Tray Bake or Fruit or Yoghurt WEDNESDAY Roast Turkey & Yorkshire Pudding, Mash, Vegetables and Gravy Fruit Salad & Ice Cream or Cream, Tray Bake or Fruit or Yoghurt THURSDAY Savoury Mince with Pastry Lids, Potatoes or Pasta & Veg Tray Bake, Fruit or Yoghurt FRIDAY Tortilla Boats with Chicken Strips & Veg or Salad Or Pitta Breads Gingerbread & Custard, Tray Bake, Fruit or Yoghurt Optional alternatives are available: Baked Potatoes with Cheese, Beans or Tuna Fillings Salad with Ham, Cheese, Egg or Tuna Rolls with Ham, Cheese or Tuna If your child would prefer the optional alternative, please complete and return the order slip TWO days before to ensure we have all the ingredients. __________________________________ ORDER FORM: NAME/S___________________________________ WEEK BEGINNING: _________________ Please circle Baked Potatoes: Cheese Beans Tuna Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Salad Ham Cheese Egg Tuna Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Rolls Ham Cheese Egg Tuna Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri