Presented by: Loïc Doré Member of a Non-Governmental Organisation DON’T TOUCH MY EARTH! Presented by: Loïc Doré Member of a Non-Governmental Organisation
Our Missions are to fight against: Deforestation Global warming Greenhouse effect gases Destruction of natural housing environment of animals Food wastage
The construction and the human activities: 1. DEFORESTATION The construction and the human activities: Stress the risks of natural disaster (flood, drought…) Destroy the natural housing environment of animals Did you know? 20 seconds: it is the time required for the modern machines to destroy a forest surface of the size of a soccer field.
2. GLOBAL WARMING Climate change can negatively affect the earth's delicate ecosystems. Global warming has been linked to: - the death of coral reefs - new dangerous weather patterns (hurricanes…) - the extinction of plant and animal species.
3. GREENHOUSE GASES What Can You Do? Reducing pollution helps to reduce Greenhouse Gases. Walk to school instead of getting your parents to drive you. Save electricity (turn off the lights when you leave a room, don't leave the TV on when you're not using it.) Recycle. Plant trees (trees help to combat pollution by absorbing carbon dioxide from the air.)
Did you know? The cow are responsible of methane emissions during their digestion and that methane is a SUPER GREEN HOUSE GAS!
The polar bears have too hot! The ice cap is melting. The polar bear entirely depends on its hunting territory (the ice floe) which is reducing. The bears move closer to the cities to feed on waste of people. 4. DESTRUCTION OF NATURAL HOUSING ENVIRONMENT OF ANIMALS
The environmental cost of food waste is high! 5. FOOD WASTAGE The environmental cost of food waste is high! Did you know? Every French person generates 350Kg of waste per year!
9% newspapers, magazines What is our biggest waste? The biggest waste is plastic which degrades slowly on several centuries! So what to do to reduce the use of plastic? Use duffel bags, paper bags or recycled bags Use glass bottles Use recycled things 14% of paper 7% of glass 26% of plastic 4% of metal 9% newspapers, magazines 16% putrescible wastes 24% others
Here are ideas to save the planet: Plant trees Recycled Take the public transports or walk Turn off the light when possible Do not use anymore plastic bags Do not waste natural ressources (water, wood) Take shower instead of bath Other ideas? The floor is yours… Thank you for your attention!