Intro to SQL Server for non-techs What, actually, is a Database? And why use one? And why are they a PIA? Let’s quickly and easily learn SQL Server, the Management Studio, and how to get at our P21 data when we want to take a peek. We’ll start at zero and end with practical, easy, and pain free step by step ideas so you can start using SQL Server immediately. CONNECT 2017 – Sept 17-19
Prophet 21 World Wide User Group Officers
Disclaimer This conference is an attempt by P21WWUG members to assist each other by demonstrating ways that we utilize the Prophet21 system and other related products. The P21WWUG and the individuals conducting the classes and round tables take no responsibility for potential issues that arise as a result of taking the advice given during the conference. The P21WWUG does not recommend using any SQL statements to update your database without having those statements first reviewed by Epicor or other experienced SQL professionals. Test any code in your Play Database! Using SQL statements to update your database may result in corrupting your database. Test any code in your Play Database!
IT Director at Professional Control in Milwaukee BIO Don Schlichting IT Director at Professional Control in Milwaukee
What is a database, and why are they a PIA? DATABASE: Data is represented in terms of tuples, grouped into relations Codd's theorem, a result proven in his seminal work on the relational model, equates the expressive power of relational algebra and relational calculus (both of which, lacking recursion, are strictly less powerful than first-order logic)
Why are databases a PIA ?
Goal for Today
“Relational Database” and a “Management System” SQL is a RDMS “Relational Database” and a “Management System”
“Relational Database”and a “Management System”
“Relational Database”and a “Management System”
Why use a Database? Large Data sizes Speed of relating tables vs Work Sheets Data Update Integrity Locks Personal Presentation
Why Not Use a Database? Small data sizes that don’t change much over time A database is not as intuitive as a spreadsheet Time must be taken to learn the new system Fast at getting data in, but a pain at writing reports to get data out
SQL Server Management Studio
Log In
Create our own Database and utilize it, in 3 Steps
New Database
New Table
Field Options
Save Table
Enter data
Enter Data
Edit, Delete
Recap We created a database, 2 files on the hard drive Inside the database we created a table. Inside the table we added data into rows and columns. We could edit data by right click Edit Top 200 We could select data by right click SELECT top 1000
Back to P21
SHIP TO report showing all my Other Exemptions
Edit on the fly
Remove the top
All rows returned
Sort = Order By
Copy All
Recap We found our table name in P21 In SQL we expanded our tables then right clicked ship_to From there we chose SELECT TOP 1000 Then we chose EDIT TOP 200 Last we controlled the panel options for EDIT